Prank War: Sinker and Boost (Platonic)

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This Oneshot is for the lovely
head-over-heart .... I know this is exactly what you asked for, but it's Sinker and Boost content, and what could be better then that?

"Wolffe may kill us." Sinker said, pacing the room as he discussed the groups battle plan. "But It will be well worth it."

  "But we have to get a Holo-vid." Y/N said, putting her H/C hair in a pony tail. Boost snorted.

  "You both are crazy."

Y/N laughed, standing up.
"But you love us."

  "Y/N, do you think you can get us a loth-cat?" Sinker asked, running his fingers through his short grey hair. The Jedi Padawan smiled.

"I'll get you what I can."

"Let's get this Bantha Fodder over with." Boost grumbled, standing.

Y/N lept up, running out of the room, with Boost at her heels. Her grey Jedi robes flying behind her, she ran through the hallways, waving at the clones. Everyone loved the teen-- She was caring, just like her Master, Plo. She put the health of her comrades over herself, and she was always smiling. Even in the face of defeat, she smiled, her face shining. She had pulled numerous pranks, which where all impressive.
   But nobody cared because when she laughed, the whole room light up.

  Boost, Sinker, and Y/N where known as the 'Triple threat' among the clones for their impressive stunts, which usually included pestering their poor Commander. From snails in his oatmeal, to his hair being dyed bright orange, the commander Wolffe had been the punchline of many of their jokes. And no one could figure out how they where still alive.


  Running through the streets of the city, Y/N came to a stop at a large store. Boost panted, coming to a stop next to her.

"F-for your.... Short stature.... You're very.... Fast." He huffed, sweat dripping of the edge of his nose.

Y/N rolled her eyes at him, stepping inside the store. she smiled at the Humanoid shopkeeper.

  "Hello! I'm looking to get a pet. Preferably a loth cat." The shopkeeper nodded, giving the girl a smile.

  "Give me a moment." The shopkeeper moved to the back of the store, and Y/N played with her Padawan braid as she observed small balls of grey fluff that moved around in their cage, sniffing a the air with small noses.

The door jingled as Boost came in, looking around the store.

  "Aren't you cute?" He said, kneeling down and taking a closer look at them.

"Awww, Boost. It looks like you have a soft spot." The clone glared at her.

"I'm a battle-hardened solider, Y/N."

"A soft Battle hardened solider."

Boost huffed, standing and crossing his arms.

"Ma'am?" The shopkeeper said, and Y/N stepped forward. "We only have one kitten left... and, I am afraid he has a deformed back leg and... he can't walk well."

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