Hooked on a feeling: Hardcase

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Another Song-based Oneshot requested by AnimeDweeb2020

I hope you like it!

  "You should go sing." Fives said to Hardcase, passing beers around the table. You quickly grabbed yours, popping it open.

  "You really should," you comment, tilting your head. "I've only heard you sing in a shower."

There's Chuckling around the table, and Hardcase shoots you a playful glare.

You where a medic serving under Kix. It was funny, that these boys adapted to you so quickly, and you quickly joined their small band. After you saved Hardcase's life, he had grown very found of you.

Taking a swig, you sent him a wink.

Jesse, Hardcase, Fives, Echo, Kix, and Y/N had headed to 79's to get a drink after a particularly difficult mission.

  "And we get to pick the song." Jesse said, and Fives slammed his hand on the table.

"Yes! I've got the perfect song." He leaned over to his Exho, whispering something into his ear. A smile slowly grew on Echo's face, and his eyes went to you.

Hardcase groaned, putting his head in his hands.
  "There is no way in hells you guys are going to pick a good song."

  "Don't worry about it," Fives said, as Echo whispered to Kix. "We're doing you a favor."

  "I don't like this." You muttered, downing a hug gulp of your alcohol. "Fives, I'm going to need another one of these!"

  "Trust me, N/N, you are going to want to be sober."

   A pair of sisters stumbled onto the stage, grasping microphones in each hand.

  They chirp hello into the microphones, before singing a terribly screechy 'Bad Guy.'

   "Okay, Hardcase." Fives said, gripping Hardcase's arm and dragging him out of the booth.

  "Don't worry," Echo said, sliding out after him. "We will be your backup singers!"

"Oh, wow," Hardcase said sarcastically. "How reassuring."

"Oh come on, Fives singing is not that bad." Kix said, leaning back in the booth.

You watched as the trio made their way to the stage, standing and talking to the DJ, before clambering onto the stage.

"Hello!" Fives said, stepping in front of the Mic. "Today, my lovely brother Hardcase is going to sing a song to his Future Wife, Y/N!"

You heard Hardcase argue with him as he was shoved in front of the microphone, the light of the stage on him. From your seat you saw him swallow, red dusting his cheeks.

Fives tapped his mic, before clearing his throat.
  Smiling, they raised  Mic to their mouths.

  "Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga...." Hardcase rolled his eyes, a the corners of his mouth turning upwards as he glancing over at your table. Kix raised his beer bottle to him, a knowing smile on his face. Sighing, Hardcase put his mic up to his lips.

  "I-can't stop this feeling." Someone in the back of the bar let out a whoop, and Hardcase pointed in their general direction with a smile on his face.
"Deep inside of me
Girl, you just don't realize
What you do to me When you hold me
In your arms so tight
You let me know
Everything's alright....."

  "I hooked on a feeling." The rest of the bar slowly joined in, the DJ pumping them up.
"I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me" Hardcase's eyes met yours, and he sent you a wink. You raised your glass, a smile on your face.

  "Lips as sweet as candy
It's taste is on my mind
Girl, you got me thirsty
For another cup of wineGot a bug from you girl
But I don't need no cure
I just stay a victim
If I can for sureAll the good love
When we're all alone
Keep it up girl
Yeah, you turn me on..."  he paused, letting the rest of the bar finishing for him.

"I'm hooked on a feeling!
I'm high on believing,
That you're in love with me!" Everyone screamed, laughter filling the restaurant. Hardcase stepped back from the Microphone, raising his hands in the air as they finished his song.

"I'm hooked on a feeling
And I'm high on believing
That you're in love with meI said I'm hooked on a feeling
And I'm high on believing
That you're in love with me
I'm hooked on a feeling."

   You put your hands to your lips, letting out a long and loud whistle as the restaurant exploded in applause, The three boys bowing. You watched Fives tap Hardcase on his back and say something, and He looked at you. Walking back to the mic, he pointed at you.

  "I love you, Mesh'la! And don't you forget it!"

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