Challenge: Cody

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This Oneshot is for head-over-heart , I hope you like it!

"We should do a challenge for the boys." Ahsoka said. She was sprawled out on Y/N's bed, scrolling through a magazine.

"What kind of challenge?" Y/N asked, applying lotion to her face.

Y/N L/N was Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan. At 19 years of age, she was the perfect Jedi Padawan. Loyal, brave, and obedient, devoted to the Jedi Code.

Except for one tiny detail.

She was in love with a commander.

And not just any commander: Commander Cody. The handsome clone serving under General Kenobi. Y/N tried to fight being attracted to him; she really did. But after finding that he had the same feelings towards her, she gave up.

  Their relationship was in secret, but every second was worth it.

  "I was thinking paintball or cake decorating." Ahsoka said, looking up at her friend. Y/N laughed, plopping down on the bed next to her.

  "I like paintball." She said, nudging the togrula. Ahsoka smiled, typing into her holopad. It beeped as she sent out the message.

  501st vs. 212th paintball battle, tomorrow at noon in the west hangar.

Cody was the first one to the hangar as Y/N was setting up the crates.

  "Hello, beautiful." He said, wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her gently.

  "Hello, Commander."  She said, placing a hand on his armored chest.

  "The boys will be here soon." He says, his eyes looking over her  because he could never get tired of looking at her face.

"So we don't get time alone?" She said playfully, pouting slightly.

He smirked at her, tugging her close to him.

"Do you miss me, cyare?" He asks, moving so his breath was fanning out across her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his nose.

"The boys are on their way down the hall." She whispered, stepping away from him and adjusting her robes just as Ahsoka and most of the 501st came walking through the door. Rex started making his way over to them, and Ahsoka sent her a wave.

"Hi 'Soka!" Y/N called, waving at the the Padawan. Y/N gave Cody a wink, walking over to her best friend.

  "Quit tormenting the poor guy." Ahsoka whispered, watching the commander get flustered in front of Rex, who gave him a knowing smirk.

   She and Rex where the only two who knew about their relationship— and they both swore that they would tell no one. In all honesty, Y/N believed that her Master knew- Obi-wan somehow had a way to know everything.

  "Never." Y/N said back, her eyes going to the door just as the 212th marched in. They gathered around their commander, standing at ease and talking to their brothers in blue.She whistled, gathering everyones attention as she stepped onto a crate in the middle of the room.

    "Now that Everyone is here-"  

  The doors banged open and Fives stumbled in, panting. He gave everyone an apologetic wave, before standing at the doorway with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

  "Now that everyone is here," Y/N started again, as Ahsoka passed out the paintball guns.

  "I expect a clean game from you boys. Rules are simple- If you are shot three times, you are out. Sniping is allowed," The whole room groaned, but the few sharpshooters smiled at each other. "We will split into two groups, red and purple. Last group with a competitor standing, wins."

  "How do we know which team we are on?" Rex asked, looking down at his gun.

  "It will be randomized." Ahsoka piped up, holding out  large red and purple handkerchiefs. "I will pass these out and it will signify which team you are on. Come grab one, lets get this party started."

  The clones each took one, moving to join the group with their colors.

    "Which team will you be on, Commander L/N?" Boil asked, moving to stand next to her.

  "Opposite team as 'Soka." She said, smiling. "So we have an even amount of Jedi per team."

  "Over here, Y/N!" Waxer called, waving his arm. The young Jedi trotted over to him and the red team.

  "You boys ready to win?" She asked, high fiveing a young shiny, who had a smile on his face as big as a galaxy.

  "Okay, let's start-"

"What's going on in here?" Anakin skywalker asked, striding into the hangar, with Obi-Wan right behind him. Y/N groaned, wanting to get started.

"Paintball battle." Ahsoka said, waving her gun in air. The Chosen one scoffed.

  "And I wasn't invited?"

  "Just join in, General." Fives called from his position behind a crate.

  Anakin grinned, grabbing a gun and joining the purple team.

  "Would you like to join in too, master?" Y/N called playfully. "We could use you on our team!" 

  Obi-Wan raised his hands, backing up a step.

  "Oh, no, I'm not brave enough for paintball."

  "I will let you have the first shot on Ani." Y/N coaxed, holding out a gun. The grown Jedi paused, before taking the gun.

  "I'm in."

  Y/N raised her hand in the air.

  "Let the paintball match begin!"

    Hours later:

  "No, I don't want to kiss you." Y/N said, stepping away from Cody, who playfully kept advancing.

  "Why not?" He teased, grabbing her hand.

  "Cause you're a sweaty, paint covered mess. I didn't get shot in that game for a reason." She sassed, and he pushed her into the wall, a smirk on his face.

  "That's just because you cheated." Cody said, placing his hands on her hips. Y/N glared at him.

  "Using the force is not cheating."

  I liked this one.

Din Dijarn Oneshot coming out soon!

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