Pup: Wolffe (Platonic)

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Twi'lek reader. 😤

TW: FiRe!! And protective big brother Wolffe.

"General!" Wolffe shouted, slipping next to his general.
"We have all of the citizens out!" Wolffe watched as the Jedi stood, his eyes observing the burning village. The separatist were fleeing from the 401st troops, and in their retreat, set a small nearby town on fire.

"There's a child in there, commander." Master Plo announced, turning to him.
"Get your brothers to safety, I will retrieve the child." With a swish of his robe, the Jedi disappeared into the flames.

With a worried sigh, Wolffe turned to his brothers.
"Back to camp! The general will meet us there!"

Trotting behind his brothers, Wolffe hoped that his father— I mean, Master, would arrive back safely.

Hours later:

  Wolffe paced outside his tent, using the night vision on his helmet to scan the trees. The forest planet was filled with strange creatures, and Wolffe could see them slinking through the foliage. Not that he was scared— far from it, actually.

He was a Commander for the Grand Army of the Republic. He had fought droids by the thousands and survived a run in with Ventress.... what did he have to be afraid of?

"Excuse me, Commander?" Boost said, stepping next to his brother. Wolffe tried to hide the fact that he jumped, turning to face the clone.

"What is it, Boost?" Wolffe asked.

"General Plo has returned, sir. He is waiting for you in the mess-tent."

"Hello, Commander." Plo said, turning his head when Wolffe entered the tent. It was late at night, and the room was scarcely lit. But, Wolffe could see the little head of a green Twi'lek child as she munched on a ration bar. Her golden eyes looked up at him, watching his every movement.

"Sir?.." Wolffe said uncertainty as the child ducked behind the Jedi and out of his sight.

"This is Y/N, commander. I believe she is about three standard years old." Wolffe removed his helmet, setting it on the table in front of his General.

"She should go back to her family." Wolffe said, watching as Y/N reached out her hand and placed it on his helmet, fascination evident on her face.

"I went and spoke with the surviving citizens. They said that her mother died at her birth, and her father was killed in battle."

"But can't one of the families take her?" Wolffe asked stubbornly, watching as the girl sat down her ration bar and picked up his helmet, making happy warble noises as she placed it on her lap, touching the painted details.

"I have already offered to take care of her myself, Wolffe."

Y/N placed a small hand on the Jedi's arm, and Plo turned to look at her. Speaking in an alien language, Y/N pointed to the wolf on his helmet. Plo nodded, speaking in the same language back to her before pointing at Wolffe.

  "Wolffe." Plo said slowly, and the girl nodded.


   Wolffe heard a snort of laughter and spun around, to see Sinker try to cover up his amusement with a cough.
  Boost elbowed his brother, glaring at him, muttering something along the lines of 'Are you trying to get us killed?"

  Y/N made a happy warble, slipping off her seat and marching over to the two soldiers, who knelt down to her level.

  "But sir, a legion is no place for a girl to grow up." Wolffe pointed out, watching as the Twi'lek placed a hand on the wolf on sinkers helmet.

  "We are all here to protect her, Commander. She will be fine."

Wolffe put his head in his hands, sighing. His small office was quiet, and as he sat at the desk, he grew more frustrated.

He was tired of watching his brothers die, tired of being seen as an disposable pawn in the Jedi's game, tired of the shinies being scared of him.

Anger slowly filled him, and he slammed his fists into the desk, crying out in fury.

All of it. All of it was unfair.
He heard the door creak open, and he turned to see the golden eyes of the Twi'lek child. He quickly turned away, shame heating his face. No one was supposed to see him like this, a ball of anger towards no one in particular.

He heard the quiet pitter patter of bare feet, as Y/N came next to him, placing a hand on his armored one.
He tilted his head, looking at her small face. She had details on her head tails that swirled like waves on an ocean, and the golden eyes had a bit of green.

"Woof." She said, patting his hand.

"Hey, Kid." He responded, turning back away from her. He felt her move away from him, her hand leaving his. Of course, she was scared of him too.

The squeaky sound of a chair being moved across the floor reached his ears, and he turned his head. Using all the strength in her small body, Y/N pulled the chair towards him. She grunted, pushing it against his, before clamoring onto it.

She warbled something in her native language, reaching across his desk to grab a pen and paper.

She sat, her legs swinging back and forth as she talked to him, although he didn't understand. And, how he wish he did. He wanted to understand what she was saying, and as she looked back up at him, she smiled.

"Woof." She repeated, pointing to the strange shapes she had put on the paper.

"Oh, yeah, Kid?" He said, watching as she warbled. And for the first time since he could remember: he smiled.

  "Wolffe!" Y/N yelled, running towards him, a clone trooper doll in her arms. Quickly taking off his helmet, Wolffe knelt down, pulling the girl into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck, giggling at he picked her up.

  "How have you been, Ad'ika?" Wolffe asked, and the eight year old Twi'lek held up her doll.

  "I painted her to look like you." She said firmly, showing him the wolf on her helmet. "Boost helped me."

  "Well you did a great job, didn't you?" Wolffe said, setting her back down.

  "Where is Papa Plo?" She asked, peering around her big brother. Gripping her hand, he led her towards the ship.

"How about we go find out, huh, Pup?"

I'm soft.

  Thank you for reading!!


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