Stay: Din Djarn

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    This is for my Mando simps! (You know who you are. 😏😏)

   Also new writing style! Let me know what you think!

   "There is no way in hells I'm leaving you!" You said, staring at the man cover in beskar, who currently laid on the floor. You were glad that you had a helmet to hide your tears.

  As the fire from the Flame Trooper crackled around you, he reached up his hand, gently grasping yours.

"Mesh'la, please. Go, take care of the child. L-Let me die a w-w-warriors death."

"Please, Din." You whisper, squeezing his hand.

"Mando, we have to go!" Cara said, turning towards the opening into the Mandalorian Covert.

"Please, my love. Go." He said, his voice already starting to go weak. You choked out a sob, pressing the forehead of your helmet to his.

   "I will take care of him." IG-11 says, handing you the child.

   You stare at the droid, taking the sleeping child into your arms.

  "Make sure he's safe." You whisper.

  "Come on!" Cara shouts, and you move with purpose through the hole IG-11 made, trying to stop the tears from flowing. He would be okay.

He had to be.


You and Din had grown up together, both being adopted as foundlings around the same time. His voice was the most familiar thing to you in the galaxy.

    As teens, you often spent nights together, talking about your future. It was always "our future" as if you already decided to stick together.

The day after he swore to the creed, you had too.

When he joined the guild, you were right behind him.

    You would follow him anywhere, and when he asked you to marry him, of course you said yes.

And you knew that, if he died, you would be right behind him.

And now, as you held the child in your arms, you prayed to the galaxy that he would be okay. You couldn't do this alone.

The baby cooed, slowly opening this big eyes. You smiled at him, even though you knew he couldn't see you.

Your helmet picked up footsteps, and you spun around, pointing your blaster into the dark hallway.

   And out stumbled Din, his arm around the helpful IG-11.

  "Oh, thank the stars." You mutter, handing the baby to the droid and putting Din's arm over your shoulder. Cara quickly went to his other side, helping you support his weight.

   "T-the droid p-put bacta on my injuries." Din murmured.

  Turning your visor to the IG unit, you nodded to him.

  "Thank you."

Back on the Razor crest.

  The child finally fell asleep, clutching the small sliver ball in his hand. Carefully, you made your way down the ladder from the cockpit, where Din sat piloting the ship. He had barely spoken to you since returning to the ship, and you silently wondered if you did anything to make him mad.

  Tucking the child into his pod, he stirred, letting out a tired whimper.

  "Time for bed, ad'ika." You said kindly, stroking the fuzz on the back of his head back with a gloved hand.

  He leaned into your touch, before promptly falling back into the blankets. Closing up the pod, you heard footsteps. 

  Turning, you saw Din starting to make his way down the ladder.

  "Din?" You ask, moving towards him.

  You heard him hum, and as he turned around to face you, you sighed.

  "It's not your fault." You whisper. His visor stared back at you without emotion, and you sighed. You knew he blamed himself for what happened to the Mandalorian covert, to the death of his brothers and sisters.

  Gently, you raised your hand, placing it on the cheek of his helmet. Just like the child, he leaned into your touch, a quiet sigh escaping his voice monitor. You tilt your head towards the refresher.

   "Go clean up, cyare." You say, removing your hand from his helmet. He nodded, obeying your command.

   Reaching your shared bedroom, you slowly took off your armor, placing it on the pile next to your bed. Lastly, you went and retrieved the child, placing his pod at the foot of your bed.

  There's movement at the doorway, and you see Din standing with just his helmet on. You nod at him, and he shuts the door, turning off the lights and making the room pitch black. There's two puffs of air as both of you remove your helmets, setting them next to the sleeping child.

  As you pulled back the sheet on your bed, you felt his arms wrap around you, pulling you into his chest. His breath fanned out across your neck, and you could hear his breathing, raw and real without the helmet.
    You leaned into him, and he pressed gentle butterfly kisses to your neck. Sighing, you turned in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and intertwining your hands in his hair.

   You didn't know what color his soft curls where, but you believed they where brown.

  He pressed a gentle kiss to your nose, pulling you impossibly closer to him.

Can I get a 'What what!'?

Loll. I'm on a sugar high.

It's kinda a blast.

  Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed!!

Edited: GUYS LOOK— I don't think it's real but I though I'd bless your eyes anyway

Edited: GUYS LOOK— I don't think it's real but I though I'd bless your eyes anyway

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