Hunter Alphabet

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AN: I totally have the flu and was up all FREAKING night barfing, so this is not spell checked and is a way for me to vent.

A- (Do they have an attitude?)

Hunter is very quiet, but he occasionally has his moments of sass, usually with Crosshair. When the sniper is being a bit of an Ass, Sargent Hunter is the first to put him in his place. And when I say this man is RUTHLESS, I mean it. He can ROAST anyone on the crew, but Crossy gets the brunt of it because he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

B- (Do they ever act like a *ahem* bitch?)
Hunter is pretty good about not complaining. He will bite his tongue to keep his comments to himself, not wanting to upset you. But if he feels as if he hasn't gotten enough attention from you, he will become upset.

C- (Do they every cry?)
Not often, but when he does, it's a full-on breakdown. He will just let you hold him and will sob into your chest, feeling weak crying in front of you, but not able to stop it.

D- (does he ever become Distant/distracted?)
After Crosshair left, he slowly became more and more distant. He would stay quiet, often gazing off into space forlornly. He is not very good at voicing his feelings, so you basically had to interrogate him to find out what was wrong.

E- (Energetic?)
Not really. He would prefer just holding you and taking a break, rather than going to... let's say an arcade. Sleeping with you is one of his favorite things.

F- (Favorite thing to do with you.)
As mentioned before, he loves to sleep with you. Although he has his heightened senses, he will cuddle with you for hours. His favorite thing is when you lay on his chest and he plays with your hair, running his fingers through it and whispering praises.

G- (Is he gentle?)
One word: Yes. He can't stand it when you are in pain— in fact, when you are on your period, he will hold you for hours, even if that means carrying you around the ship. Period cramps suck— and he knows it. He hates it when you are in pain and he can't do anything to help.

H- (Are they helpful?)
Again, Yes. You don't know how you ended up being this lucky.

I- (What are their Interests?)
He enjoys a game that is similar to Hockey that the clones play in the barracks. It involves two teams and metal sticks. The goal is to push the ball into the goals positioned on either side of the room. This game is very— very rough, especially when other squads or legions are brought into it. But Hunter has a blast— he feels as if he is in his element.

J- (Can they tell a good joke?)
Yes, although his jokes are few and far between. Which makes it even more hilarious when he does make a joke.

K- (What are their kinks? *Younglings, move along*)
You do this thing when you kiss him— you run your fingers through the shorter hair at the base of his neck. You also do this thing when you occasionally massage his scalp— this drives him mad.

L- (what he loves about you.)
This man is so wholesome I can't even. He loves, and I mean loves your stretch marks. Late into the night he will just place his hand on your thigh (or stomach, or back, or basically wherever you have stretch marks) and rub his thumb over them subconsciously.

M- (Basically what they think about your Makeup.)
He doesn't like it when you wear makeup. He likes to see the imperfections in your skin. He also finds that it covers your sent, as weird as it sounds. You smell like a fresh spring, but as soon as you put makeup on, all he smells is your concealer.

N- (Are they negative?)
He tries not to be, but sometimes he is just blunt and it comes off as negativity. He states things how they are— even when you don't want to hear it.

O- (Are they Organized?)
Surprisingly, Hunter is rather neat. He likes everything where it's supposed to be, and everything in its place. Then he knows he will be able to find it when he needs it.

P- (Are they patient?)
It depends. With Omega and Wrecker? Absolutely. With Crosshair? Eh, not so much.

Q- (What are their Quirks?)
He LOVES the flavor of toothpaste— he will make any excuse to brush his teeth.
"Aw, come on Y/n, I have only brushed my teeth twice today."
"It's not even 7:30 Hunter."

R- (Does he have Rage?)
Yes. He has the type of protective rage that is very common in clones and Fetts. And to be honest... you find it extremely hot.

S- (Sickness— what does he do when you are sick, or he is sick?)
If you are sick, he will become a live- in butler. Your wish is his command— he will do anything to make you comfortable. You have to flu? He will bring you ice-chips and hold back your hair when you are throwing up, rubbing your back and telling you how well you are doing.
When he is sick? He will tough it out most of the time.. which frustrates you because you have to basically FORCE him to lay down and rest.

T- (Triggers.)
Extremely loud noises. Because of his heightened senses, he will cover his hands over his ears and act like he is having WWII flashbacks. He has gotten better though.

U- (What is unusual about him?)






I need help! Comment what I should do on the remaining letters with nothing!

Love you all!


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