Stupid: Boba Fett... Pt.1

450 14 71

This request was from FandomTrashBin69 ,

I hope I did okay, it was hard to fit a lot of information into 450 words (it's short.... I'm sorry. That's why there will be a part two.)

"Boba?" A tiny girl called out. Seven year old Y/N ran through the unfamiliar hallways. She slowly started to panic, her breaths coming out in short gasps.

She had gotten separated from Jango and Boba. When the battle started, masses of droids had separated her from the pair, and now she was lost.

  "Jango? Boba!" She screamed out.

  "Y/N!" She ran towards the voice, hope flickering in her core.

  "Boba!" She turned another corner and saw the older boy running towards her, Jango's helmet tucked under his arm. When they collided, much to Y/N's surprise, he hugged her. His arms wrapped around her and he pulled the small girl into his chest, his heaving sobs echoing across the corridors.

  "You're safe." He sobbed, burying his head in her shoulder.

  "Boba! Where..." Y/N peered over his shoulder. "Where is Jango?"

   "H-he's gone, N/N. The Jedi, h-he killed him."


   Years later, they where still together, and had grown to be some of the greatest bounty Hunters in the galaxy. Y/N was a Master Locksmith, and could open any door in the galaxy. This was very helpful to them on many of their missions.

  As their reputation as bounty hunters grew, so did their relationship. It got to the point where Boba could only sleep if Y/N was curled up next to him, her head rested on his chest. Not that she was complaining: she enjoyed listening to his heartbeat as he fell asleep.

  It grew to stollen kisses, and laying in bed late into the morning to cuddle.

  Their love grew.

  And grew.

  And grew.

    Boba wanted to be with Y/N his whole life, to make her his wife.

Boba asked Y/N to marry him in a very interesting way. During an undercover mission, his dumbass got shot in the chest, sickeningly close to his heart.

"You Idiot!" Y/N said, once they where back in the safety of the slave 1. Pressing a bacta pack to his chest, she glared up at her boyfriend. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Boba let out a deep chuckle before winching.
"I can't die until after I marry you, princess."

Y/N huffed.

"No, you can't die ever, even after you marry..."

She trailed off, her E/C eyes widening.
"You would marry me?"

Boba smirked at her, placing a hand under her chin. "I didn't stutter, Mesh'la. I meant every word I said."

It was all a mistake really, falling in love with him.

Putting herself in this position.

     It was all very, very stupid.

As she laid by herself on the slave 1, clutching her swollen stomach, she sobbed. She cried her eyes out, great, heaving sobs that almost made her barf.

One wrong move. He made one wrong move, and it sent him tumbling into the mouth of the sand monster.

Her amazing, handsome, providing Husband was gone.

And he never got to meet his son.

Star Wars X Fem! Reader *DISCONTINUED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang