Breakdown: Poe

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Hello! I hope you all enjoy!

   Tw: Needles, surgery, death, mental and physical breakdowns, freaking POE, mentions of Sex at the end.

   (I know right? I didn't know I had it in me.)

  "Medic! We need a medic!" A voice cried out from the hangar. You grabbed your medical bag, quickly running out of the hospital bay.

"I'm here." You said, before seeing the pilot in orange flight suit on the ground. Kneeling besides him, you checked his pulse as his panicking friends crowded around you.

"You're standing in my light." You comment coldly, observing the pilot as the togrula muttered an apology, moving out of the way.

From the looks of it, the pilot had been extremely dehydrated, which resulted in him passing out.

Kriffing Poe Dameron, you think as you prepare an IV to get fluids in his system. Thinking he can go-go-go without taking care of himself.

"Someone get me a stretcher." You called, pushing the needle into his vain and starting his IV.

The pilots around you where surprised at how calm you where, moving swiftly and efficiently, because
Y/n Solo wasn't scared of anything.

Daughter to the Princess Leia and Drug smuggler, Han Solo, and younger sister to the monster that was Kylo Ren.

She was more of a Solo then a Skywalker. With no force abilities, she relied on her wit and skill with a blaster to get her out of the worst situations. And, she wasn't a bad pilot, if she did say so herself.

She left her Father's crew to become part of the resistance as a medic and help her mother win the war with the empire.

And that, is where you met Poe Dameron. He cockily strode up to you, convinced you would go out on a date with him in an instant. And when you said.
"Go kriff yourself, nerfherder." He knew you where the one.

"I'll just let you do that for be, huh, beautiful?" He replied, leaning on the desk and looking down at you. You frowned at him, before pulling back the safety on your blaster.

"You see this here weapon?" You asked, standing. He nodded, and quick as a wink, your gripped his flight suit, yanking him forward so his face was inches from yours.

"You don't want to know how many bodies it has on it, and that I'm not afraid to add one more." You hissed, shoving him back. He smiled at you, straightening his flight suit.

"Sass is good. I can work with that."

He was the only one who saw your oncoming breakdown. He tried to convince you to take a break, which you stubbornly denied. 'These people need me.' You argued, pulling yourself out of his arms. 'I'll take a break when the galaxy is safe.'

   Poe knew it was a bad idea, and less then a standard week later, he found you sobbing on a crate, your hands and surgical robes sprayed with blood. He sat down next to you, wrapping his arms around you.

  You where shaking— you had been operating on a young pilot who was new to the resistance. You where very found of the young girl, and tried your hardest to saver her. But in the end, her injuries where just too detrimental, and she died at the end of the six hour surgery.

  "I couldn't do it, Poe." You sobbed, clutching onto his flight jacket with shaking fingers. "I couldn't do it."

  He quieted you, gently rocking you back and forth, kissing your forehead.
   "It's okay. I've got you."

*cough cough* *drinks holy water*

  This is a bonus bit. Enjoy. 🤭
Honestly I didn't know I had it in me to write like this. I blame dxn_djarxn

"Poe." You breathed as he pressed love bites against your neck, a moan rising in your throat. He pushed you into the wall, his hands moving across your body.

"You are so perfect, my love." He murmured. His hands moving to you thighs, he picked you up. Instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his middle, attaching your lips to his. Your ran your fingers through his hair, and he sighed, running his hand over the curve of your rear.

  "So damn beautiful." He whispered in your ear, his breath fanning out across your skin and causing goosebumps to rise.

  "What do you want to do, Dameron?" You ask, watching as he leaned back, his brown eyes taking in every part of you: your flaws and faults. But to him, you where absolutely breathtaking.

"Well, to start off, you last name is terrible." He teased, using the wall to hold a bit of you weight.
"I would like to change it to Dameron."

"That sounds like a start." You said, knitting your fingers behind his neck. "Anything else?"

"I want to kriff you until you can't walk."

"Lets see what you've got, Flyboy."

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