Space: Hunter

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I very much enjoyed writing this Oneshot, although Hunter does seem a bit out of character. Anyways, it was fun to write about him outside of my Bad Batch Fanfic (The girl with a Storm in her eyes.)

   Anyways, I hope you like it!!

This Oneshot is for Rayna_Thompson

"It's busy here tonight." Hunter commented uneasily, looking around the restaurant, 79's. You take a sip of your Whiskey, watching as his breathing slowly accelerated. Tech looked up from his Data pad, peering at his brother through his goggles.

"You should probably get out of the crowds, Hunter." He suggests, scooting over as Wrecker and Crosshair move towards to booth.

"He's got a point." You said quietly, not wanting him to get Overwhelmed. He heard every heartbeat in the room, every conversation: with a gift like his, you could easily get overstimulated.
Hunter inhaled deeply as a large group of people walked in, talking loudly and excitedly.

"Awww, Come on Cross!"

"No, Wrecker, I am not doing a drinking challenge with you."

Hunter closed his eyes, leaning back in the booth.

You reach out, your fingers gently brushing his. He opens his eyes, meeting your E/C ones.

"Let's get you out of here." You whisper quietly, slipping out of the booth. He swallowed, nodding. Taking his large hand, you gently pull him behind you and out of the front doors.

If it was even possible, it was more crowded outside.
"Breath, Hunter." You whisper to him, feeling his hand tighten around yours. As you pushed your way through the crowded yet familiar streets, you made it to a large empty building. It was many stories high, meant to be a apartment building, but all the lights where out.
It was still in amazing condition— the owner had simply gone bankrupt soon after buying it, not using the building to its potential.

"Come on," you said gently, leading him to the ladder that was the fire escape. Hunter chuckled.

"I'm glad we didn't bring Wrecker." He said, referring to his brother's fear of Heights. You grinned at him, before you placed your foot on the first step, making you way upward.

"Do I follow you?" Hunter asked once you where about ten feet up.

"No, just sit there while I go have an adventure." You said sarcastically, before shaking your head "Yes, dummy, come on!"

The cling of your feet hitting the rungs of the ladder echoed through the ally, and after a bit, you made it close to the top.

"Almost there!" You called over your shoulder. Placing your hands on to the concrete barrier, you pulled yourself onto the roof, rolling away from the edge. Hunter soon clambered up after you, laughing at your exhausted state as you laid sprawled out on the rooftop.
   You smiled at him, glad that he was starting to lighten up. He held out his hand, helping you to your feet.

  "Thanks." You chirped, boldly pressing a kiss to his cheek. He grinned at you, his face turning a light red.

  "I want to show you something." You explained, leading him to the edge and sitting down. He sat down next to you, swinging his legs over the edge and letting them hang.

  You watched his mouth slowly open, taking in the colors of the city of Corusant.
   The bright lights didn't allow any stars or far planets to be viewed: In fact, it was as if the sky was lit with bulbs, causing it to be a deep purple.
   The buildings where sparkling gold, silver, and shades of grey, bright banners and booths causing pops of color.
   Speeders sped through the streets, their yellow head lights blending together with the speed at which they traveled.
   A large ship entered the atmosphere, a low rumble emitted from its engines as it landed on a pad near the two of you.

  "It's beautiful, huh?" You said, putting your arms behind you and leaning back, watching the small sea of people move through the streets.

  "Yeah," Hunter said, his brown eyes landing on you.


I actually like this one a lot. Thanks for your patience!!

  May the force be with you, always.

   Kena Potter

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