Informant: Rex

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Hello! Sorry this has taken so long to get out. My other book— (the girl with a Storm in her eyes)— has taken up a lot of my writing time, along with finals. Anyway, enjoy!

   (A short one shot for head-over-heart , sorry it took me so long to get out! Enjoy! )

   (A short one shot for head-over-heart , sorry it took me so long to get out! Enjoy! )

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You slid the chip across the table at the Captain. His brown eyes try to meet yours, but you keep your eyes averted.

The chip held information on the a separatist base on a nearby moon. You where glad that you could finally hand over the information— if you where caught by a seppie, they could kill you for this.
  But technically, he could too.

"Here you go, Captain Rex." You said curtly, glancing at the clone next to him. His black hair was short cropped, and he had a five tattoo on his temple. He handed you a box of credits, and you nodded.

"Can I interest you in a drink?" Rex asked, his eyes watching you stand. You stiffen, tucking the credits under your arm.

"I am quite okay, Captain." You said, emptying the box of credits into your apron pocket.

You worked undercover at a clone bar called 79's so that you could lay low. The bar paid okay, and you got paid handsomely in tips.

"Are you sure? All the miracles you pull to get us information, you deserve—"

You slammed your palms into the table, making the clone Captain jump.

"I don't deserve anything." You snapped, feeling your resolve start to crumble. Your eyes filled with tears as you repeated the words your mother
ingraves into you daily.

Brushing back some strands of H/c hair, you tried to stop your eyes from watering.

No one had ever bothered to tell you good job. Your breath choked in your throat, and you pointed at the door.

"Go. Please go."

Rex and Fives where startled. You looked broken— exhausted, tired. The quiet and reserved informant, Y/n, looked beaten.

"Are you okay?" Fives asked. You waved at the door, covering your face with your hands. You hated to feel weak.

"Please. Just... leave."


The restaurant is empty as you scrubbed the bar, your arms straining against the work. The door jingled, and Captain Rex strode into the room. Glancing up at him, you gave him a curt nod.

  "The usual, Captain?" You asked, carefully using the code you had come up with.

  "Actually, I would like to ask you a question." He replied, placing his white and blue helmet on the counter, it's reflection visible in the clean black surface. You tilted your head, giving him a look.


  He cleared his throat, a bit of  nervous rippling through his tough soldier demeanor.
  "I was wondering if you would like to hang out with the boys and I a bit tonight... take the chance to unwind."

  You look him up and down, searching for a fault in his invitation. Finding nothing but an innocent, handsome face and kind brown eyes, you sighed.

  "Only for a bit, but it will have to be late. My shift isn't finished until eleven."

  He flashed you a smile.
  "Sounds good then."


The restaurant was busy, many aliens and people filling up all the booths and tables. Another fifty or so meandered around the bar and onto the dance floor, laughing and talking in loud voices.

  Against your better judgment, a happy anticipation filled your stomach. You had even done your hair, along with applying a layer of makeup on your face. And each time the door opened you would glance up, looking for the group of soldiers in blue.

  When 9: 30 rolled around, a small group of clones wearing white and blue armor walking into the restaurant. They seem to split, one half of the six making their way to a large, empty booth in the corner, and the other half making their way towards you.

"Hey!" The clone with the five tattoo says when he sees you.  
  "There she is! Uh, what do you guys want—" he turns to his companions, one with matching hair and the other with blue tattoos along his face.

  Disappointment rose in your stomach as you glanced at the other clones, noticing that Rex was not with them. Sighing, you hand a customer his tequila, not bothering to be concerned about how many he had had.

  "We are ready when you are," one of the clones said, plopping himself on the barstool. "I am Echo, by the way." You nod at him, acknowledging his presence.

  "What can I get you?" You ask, slinging a damp towel over your arm. It was a long practiced line— you could take someone's order in your sleep.

  "I would just like a muddy water please." He said, referring to the mixture of Iced Tea and Lemonade that was popular. You nodded, glancing at the other clone next to Echo, who was tapping his fingers on the bar counter.

  "How about you?" You asked, grabbing a glass to prepare Echo's muddy water.

"What's the strongest thing you have?" He questioned. "I want to be passed out on the floor by ten."

  "Just get some spice at that point." You sassed. You believed firmly that drinking was a sort of art form, used by the wrong people for the wrong reasons. You weren't about to recommend the strongest beverage to someone who just wanted to escape the world.

  "Fine." The clone they called Hardcase muttered, crossing his arms. "One root beer, then."

  You heard someone shout "Hey, Rex!" And glanced up, surprised when the clone Captain walked in through the door. He was wearing normal civilian clothes: a grey shirt with a pare of black jeans.  He waved at the booth, before making his way to the bar, his long arms and hands swinging at his sides with each step.

  "Sorry I'm late." He said, plopping down next to the clone, Fives.

  "Bout time you showed up," you snipped,  crossing your arms. "Anything I can get started for you?"

  "Hey," Fives said, looking up, aghast. "You skipped me!"

  "Shhh," Rex said, pointing between the two of you. "The adults are talking."

I'm sorry this didn't quite work out, but I have many more to finish. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!




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