Chapter 1

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Waking up at 7:50am he found himself laying next to an older man. Getting up he felt a sharp pain in his back, and felt like throwing up. Looking at himself in the rooms giant mirror he saw all the marks left on him. This time an older man payed to take advantage of him. Sighing he grabbed his now stained black dress and put it on quietly. "He ruined my favorite dress..." Quickly he put on the rest of his clothing and wig and left, he never wanted to see that old pervert again. Walking out of the small apartment he could see other men looking at him, "He's to old... He's to young... If only they knew I was a man under all this clothing..." He thought while passing them. The time was 10:30am when he finally got back to his own apartment, tired and hungry he went and took a shower. He had to get the old guys semen out of his asshole.

About two hours later he was finally fully clean. He smiled when he saw himself, his REAL self in the mirror. He loved his dark caramel skin, which was covered withd marks, his dyed black hair, and his thin body. He especially loved his dark brown eyes. "You have always had your mothers eyes, Hakyeon." He remembered his father telling him that, before he passed away.

Hakyeon was an only child with only a goldfish as his family. His mother had passed when he was 7 and his father at 18. When ever he would come back from his second life he'd always think about them. "I'm sorry mother and father. This is the only way I'll be able to survive this world." Going to his room he sat on his bed and fed his fish. Its name was Sojin, named after the beautiful Girl's Day member. "You're my only family, Sojin fish." Hakyeon said while continuing to feed her.

Hakyeon went to sleep and woke up to the noise of his phone ringing. It was 5:30pm, and his friend Wonshik was calling him.

"Hakyeon hyung? Are you there?"
"Y-yeah, what's up?"
"Hyung, I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere later, like the park. I know you've already rejected my confession, but I'd like if we'd be able to stay friends."

Hakyeon sighed, about two months ago Wonshik had confessed his love for him, and he had rejected him. They hadn't talked to each other since.

"Um sure. But I'm going as my usual self, ok?"
"Yeah, that's fine."

Hakyeon put on his white Jordan's, black joggers and a white see-through shirt.
When they both met up at the park they talked and walked around. Men and women were all looking at Hakyeon, he didn't seem to mind. But Wonshik did. "N hyung, do you wanna wear my jacket. Not to be rude but you're exposing to much of your skin, and those marks are showing." Wonshik said taking off his jacket. "Wonshik-ssi, it's ok, I'm used to this kind of attention. Now put your jacket on or else all the girls are going to be looking at you, pabo. " He said with a big smile. Sighing he put it back on.

They spent about another hour at the park before they went their separate ways. It was about 9pm and it was nice and dark. A full moon was out and he was walking past the ocean, its unique smell always helped him. He could've sworn he saw something shiny move in the water, but he shook it off. Tomorrow was going to be another hard and stressful day.

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