Chapter 9

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Sitting on a soft cushion, Leo watched as another male talked to the girl. He wondered what her name was.
Looking down, he saw a laced object on the floor. Picking it up, he put it over his head. Humans were so weird.

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see the man. "What are you doing, with her bra?" He asked. Taking it off his head he gave it to the man. "S-Sorry. Here." Leo said putting it his hand.

"Leave him alone, Wonshik." The girl said sternly. Smirking, Wonshik rubbed the boys head, "I was just asking him to do something." He said giving her the bra.

"So what's his name?" Wonshik asked.
"Leo, he doesn't have a last name."

Looking up at the girl, Leo pointed at her face. "W-What, name?"

Smiling the girl sat next to him, "It's Hakyeon, Cha Hakyeon, but you can call me... N. "

"When she was born, her mother thought she was manly, so she was given a boys name." Wonshik laughed. Hakyeon took off her shoe and threw it at Wonshik.
Continuing to laugh, he grabbed Leo and stood him up. "You, he- I mean she let you stay with her. So... Be nice to her." He said patting him on the back.

"Wonshik can I talk to you." N said waving him to his room. When he came, he began talking. "Ok, so he doesn't really know I'm a man... Should I tell him? Or should I wait. I was thinking of just pretending until I found out where he belongs..."
Sighing, Wonshik rubbed his eyebrows. "Well, I would tell him, but its up to you." He said. It had been a while since he was in Hakyeon's room, it was nice to be in it again.
"Well, let's go, hyung. We don't want to leave him alone." Wonshik began walking out the door. Nodding, Hakyeon followed.

"Oh, yeah. Here" Wonshik said grabbig and handing a bag to Leo, "Hak- I mean N said you didn't have any clothing so you can have some of mine." Wonshik said.

Opening it, Leo saw mostly black clothes, he liked it. "T-Thank you." He said.


After a few hours of getting to know each other, Wonshik finally had to leave. After saying their goodbye's N went to her room and changed.
When she came out all Leo could do was stare.

N wore a see through black tank top and black basketball shorts.
"Leo, I have something to tell you... But you can't get mad." N said.
Nodding Leo crossed his legs, waiting for what was going to be said.

"Should I tell him, about me being a male?" Shaking his head N stared at Leo. "I'll tell him later, I don't want him getting upset or horny..."

"I just wanted to say... I-I never mind. We can talk about it later." She said.


That night N let Leo sleep in her bed. She didn't want to be mean and make her guest sleep on the sofa.
"Well, I was going to stop cross dressing, but now I have a purpose... Goodnight Leo..." With that she fell asleep.


Leo had to sleep in the woman's room. Before he went to sleep he noticed that her room was a mixture of male and female clothing. On her desk near the bed were a pair of female and male undergarments.

To think that he was now a human. Whatever his aunt did to him, he bow knew more about humans than he normally knew.

That night he didn't sleep well, the thoughts of his family, and his friends made him worry.
"Goodnight Jaehwan..."


{A/N} Eyyy, sorry for the lame and short chapter. I was rushing on this chapter, I swear the next chapters will be more interesting.
Until next chapter!!
//should I add more EXO members in the story?? I was wanting to cx
Hope everyone's having a good summer! And if you not, you can talk to me!! ((I need friends cx))
June 13.2015

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