Chapter 21

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"I'm actually not allowed to do this but since we know each other I'm sure it'll be fine." Jongin softly whispered in Leo's ears. In his right hand he held a small syringe filled with a clear liquid. Rolling up Leo's right sleeve, Jongin slowly stuck the sharp needle into Leo's arm.

Sounds of groaning slowly filled the room until the last drop of liquid was completely in Leo. "There, in about an hour you'll feel much better. Until then I want to learn more about you." Jongin's voice was slowly fading away before a screeching sound refilled the room.

"Don't worry it's just a chair. Anyways, can you please tell me your full name and where you were born?" Getting out a notepad and pen from under his chair Jongin began writing.

Leo began to bite at his bottom lip as he was trying to think of an answer. "I'm sorry but I only know that my name is Leo and that I was born in a cool month when everyone is wearing sweaters and sweatpants."

Jongin's face changed from a neutral face to a scowl. "Now come on Leo, you've been here for about five months and you still can't remember anything? It's a bit strange if you ask me."

Leo began to breath more heavily as the liquid began to effect on his body. "Wh-What did you put in me? It hurts." Leo said as he tried to get out of the ropes that tied him down.

"Don't struggle, you wouldn't want marks to be left on you. I mean I'm sure it would seem like you were running around and fucking other girls if Hakyeon were to see them." Jongin placed his notepad and pen on the floor and made his way to Leo.

"If you do what I say nothing will go wrong and you'll be able to see Hakyeon again, ok?" Leo stayed quiet and tried to think of a way out. "Fine, but I'm probably no use to you." Leo answered as he struggled a little more.

Smirking Jongin took the blindfold off Leo and placed a kiss on his forehead. "The medication must be taking affect already, I mean look at you. You're a mess and I think I can help you with it."


The sounds of slapping and yelling was heard throughout the small home with the faint voice of Leo trying to scream for help. "You see, the medication that I gave to you makes the pain a lot more, how should I put it, sensational. Now just tell me the truth about you and I'll stop, or I can just kill your little friend. "

A screen in the corner of the room was turned on and an image of Jaehwan was shown. It seemed to be live since he was currently screaming and crying. "My team and I were able to find this thing swimming close to the shore. We captured it and now it's in captivity..."

Jongin left Leo's side and walked towards the screen. He pressed a button and began speaking. "Hello creature! Can you hear me?" Jongin asked.

"Where am I! Please let me go! I promise that we will leave, just free me!" Jaehwan screamed as he began hitting something, a wall probably.

Smirking Jongin came back to Leo and pushed his chair close to the screen. "Creature, please tell me your name and what you are."

"My name is Lee Jaehwan and I'm a friend of the kings son. We are a creature that you humans call 'mer people' and we mean no harm. So please if you'd like us to go elsewhere we will." Jaehwan's voice slowly became calmer.

Getting his notepad and pen Jongin began writing down the things that the creature said. "Jaehwan, if you could, can you please tell me the name of your friend and where I could locate him. He's the closest I'll get to your peoples royal family I'm guessing. "

"Oh sir, I would if I could, but my friend has gone up to your world. You see his only wish was to become one of your kind!"

Leo's face slowly turned pale and his heart beagan beating faster. "Jaehwan, please shut up!" Leo thought.

A smile formed onto the lips of Jongin as he turned towards Leo. "Does your friend go by the name Leo?" Jongin asked, his face not leaving Leo's.

"Oh yes! Have you found him? Can you tell him that his father and mother are very worried. They wish for him to come back so that we may leave." Jaehwan said while he put his hands together.

Turning back to the screen Jongin smiled. "I'm sorry creature, but your friend has caused our people great trouble. As for you, I'm sorry but we won't be able to release you since you could be some use towards our investigation."

Fear and sadness was now on Jaehwan's face. "Please let me go! Please! I don't want to-"

Jongin turned the screen of and removed his finger from the button. The only noise that could be heard was the faint gasps of Leo. "P-Please don't hurt h-him."

Jongin wrote some more this before putting the notepad down a, ghoulish smile and happy eyes were now on Leo. "I can't promise anything, but if you don't cooperate we might have to do an autopsy on you're friend... You know, we'll kill him and cut him open. I could be the first scientist and doctor to ever see the creatures insides and structure. "

Walking towards his chair, Jongin sat and looked at the creature disguised as one of his own.

"Now will you tell me everything?"


Well that was a new chapter! What did you guys think of it? I know it got kinda boring but I have so many ideas I just can't put them into words... >.<
Also to my newer readers I just noticed that a few chapters were "shortened" and some just randomly end. I don't k ow why but my story is going through random changes that weren't done by me. I'll be fixing them when I get the chance! 😊 ok well now I must go, until nest time. Bye!

(P.S. Amber's Borders was amazing and I cried while listening to it)

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