Chapter 17.5

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{A/N} Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been kinda sad and not wanting to do anything, but now I'm back with another chapter, it's gonna be kinda short sorry >.<!!!! Hope you enjoy! Also get ready for a Valentine's Day chapter!!!


Hakyeon P.O.V

"Goodbye my little slut, I can't wait to see you next Saturday!" The old an yelled as I got off his car. He was a frequent customer and always would 'buy me' whenever he'd come back from the strip. According to him I was just his toy that he'd be able to use and pretend that I was one of those poor girls. It had been a while so my back was in a lot of pain.

Sighing I took out my key walked up the stairs to my apartment door. Opening the door I was hit by the sudden smell of sour spices. "Leo, didn't I tell you to open the windows when you're making food?" I said making sure to close the door behind me. A sad look grew onto Leo's face as he picked up a plate from the counter.

"I just wanted to make you something since you had to work today..." I walked to him and gave him a huge hug, "I'm sorry Leo, my client was just a pain in the ass (literally cx)... Let me just take a shower, I'll be out in a little." The smell and feel of the old shits semen was making me sick.

I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. My face was burning up, how can one man make me feel so... special? Going to my bed I picked up some grey joggers, a white shirt and boxers.


"Thank you for the food, Leo." My mouth was now full of ramyun and kimchi. As I continued to eat I could feel Leo's gaze right on me. "S-So are you having a nice time working at that cafe? Wonshik tells me that the owner really likes you." A smile formed on Leo's face as he looked down. "It's really fun, I like learning how to make different types of coffees and lattes. It would be nice if you could stop by." Leo said as he wiped my mouth with a napkin.

Blushing I looked down at my now empty plate trying to ignore his kind gesture. "Well I guess it's normal to clean your friend, right? Oh my god am I really falling harder for him? This fucking sucks..." I said to myself before getting up. "Thank you for the food, it really was great."

I quickly washed my dishes and ran to my room, why do I like him so much? As I dozed to sleep i swore I could here a beautiful voice singing to me.

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