Chapter 18

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{A/N} Happy Valentine's Day also Hyuk's cover was amazing! Happy Birthday to the sexy Wonshik! (≧∇≦)/


Leo P.O.V

"Leo, wake up..."



I felt the cold air prickle my skin as the warmth of the blankets was torn off. "What? Where am I?" I mumbled. Opening my eyes I saw an upset Hakyeon looking at me with a newspaper in hand.

"You're on the couch stupid." As she said that I felt pain on my left arm, Hakyeon had hit me. "What was that for?!" I yelled as I took the newspaper away.

"That's what you get for not waking up early. I had to call your boss and say you were feeling under the weather, you know I hate lying!" She turned her head away from me.

"Hakyeon-ah, I don't have to work today. She said I could take the day off so I could spend it with you." Standing up I went to her side and placed a kiss on her neck.

"What do you wish to do do today? My boss said today everyone spends some time with the one that they like or love. Is this right?"

Nodding Hakyeon got up and went to her room. When she came back, she tossed a little white bear to me. "Today's Valentines Day dummy. Didn't you use to celebrate that where you came from?"

I recall hearing Jaehwan tell me about this Valentine's Day, but I didn't pay much attention due to my fathers annoyingly loud voice.

"That bear is your gift. I hope you like it." Hakyeon said with a big smile. "Oh and get ready the two of us are gonna go somewhere special! It's going to be really fun!"

I dressed into a white shirt with a sweater on top followed by a pair of grey jeans and white shoes. Hakyeon looked more beautiful than usual. She wore a light pink dress with black heels on. I would never say it to her face, but she really was gorgeous.

{A/N} Song for this part ('ε`*)

"Here we are!" She yelled as we entered a huge outdoor party. Hakyeon said that this was called a carnival and that it was really fun.

She led me to a little bucket full of water and rubber ducks and paid the man next to the bucket some money. He began reciting how to play.

"The rules are simple. You use this rod to "fish" for the ducks, and if you're able to get this blue duck you can get one of these prizes."

I got the rod and began to fish out the duckies and soon enough I was able to get the blue duck. "Congratulations sir, what would you like to get." The man said in a monotone voice.

From the corner of my eye I saw Hakyeon looking at a fluffy cat. Smiling I pointed to it and gave it to her. For the first time in a while I saw her smile. Her teeth were showing and her eyes closed to form little smiles. It was adorable.

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