Chapter 5

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Waking up, Hakyeon felt nauseous and uneasy. His head was pounding, and his vision for was a little blurry. In front of him was a bright light, it was a flatscreen t.v.

“Is there anymore news about the fish-like creatures that have been seen, Dr. Jongin
“These details of our investigation are not to be revealed yet. But we can say that we are closer to finding theirhiding place’.”
Gomapseumnida, Doctor Kim Jongin. We'll be back after this break.”

Hakyeon sat up, rubbing his eyes. Looking around he noticed he was in another place. “Hongbin? Wonshik? Is anyone here.” He called out. No answer. Sighing he got up and began looking around.

The room he was in was a red velvet color, the floor was covered in black rugging and the furniture was a goldish color. Turning around he noticed that he had been laying on, what looked like, a king-sized bed.
Shocked he looked down at himself and saw he was in a huge black sweater, with oversized white joggers. On the floor were his dress, heels, and wig.
D-did we do it?”

Running out from the room, he was met by a worried Wonshik. “Are you alright? Did he harm you in any way?” Wonshik said worriedly. Looking to the ground he noticed Hongbin on the ground rubbing his head. “What!? Of course I'm ok. But what did you do to him!? And how did you find me?” Hakyeon yelled, running to Hongbin's aid. “I sort of followed you guys... And when he didn't want to tell me where you were... I used force...” His voice trailed off. Sighing, Hongbin got up and rubbed his shoulder, “Why would I harm such a beautiful cinnamon bun?” He asked, winking at Hakyeon. Wonshik's face turned red as he watched Hongbin flirt with the man he loved.

“So what happened? What are you doing at this guys house. And why are you wearing that? You look like a... Nevermind” Wonshik was trying to calm down.
“Hongbin and I were on a date and I blacked out when I saw something. I don't know what happened after that.” Wonshik sighed. “What did you see, hyung?” He asked Hakyeon.

“It was a fish like creature, and I think it was a man. He was beautiful and looked hurt... ” He said, a sad smile appearing on his face. “So, you actually saw one of them!?” Hongbin said, he sounded astonished. “Woah...” Was all Wonshik could say. “Hey, I know that doctor, Kim Jongin. The man in charge of the creature investigation. You should talk to him.” Hongbin suggested. Wonshik scoffed, “Yea, right. You're just gonna call a person who is probably getting tons of calls. And you expect him to answer to you? Pabo...

Smiling, Hongbin got out his phone and called someone, “Pabo, don't you know who I am? Plus we know each other. We were highschool sweetheart's as Americans say.” And with that he began talking with someone.

Pabo don't ya know who I am??” Wonshik immitated him as he began walking out of the door, “I'll go feed Sojin, you stay here. Okay, hyung?” He said trying to smile. And with that he left.
“He's such a pabo, calling me hyung...” Hakyeon got up and went back to the room he previously was in.

Grabbing a remote, he turned off the T.V and closed the door. “Joesonghamnida.” And with that he layed on the soft bed and fell asleep.

(A/N) BigBang's Loser M/V made me cry but the Bad Bad M/V made me question why I'm a V.I.P cx
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter, until the next chapter Bye

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