Chapter 6

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Rules of the Siren way
8) All sightings of humans near the cavern must be reported.
9) The prince/princess must marry at the age of 28
10) If any of the rules are not followed they shall be enforced by the King's gaurds.

Laying on the coolness of the oceans sand the young prince sighed. Turning his head to the left, he looked at Kyungsoo who was eating a fresh piece of flounder. The blood of the fish dripping down the boys scales made him slightly aroused but more hungry. "Do you still have to follow me?" Taekwoon asked leaning forward, stretching his arms and tail. Kyungsoo began tearing the fishes head off and taking out its eye. "I have to, how do I know you won't go back to the surface." He said without looking at him.

"Fine, I'll be back. Watching you eat that is making me hungry." Taekwoon said swimming to the elder. "Here, I already caught one for you." He said throwing a fat flounder at him. Grabbing it, the prince felt upset, he wanted to catch something HE liked. Sitting back down on the ground Taekwoon began biting into its soft, yet rough skin.

After 30 minutes the two had finished eating, they swam back to the castle. On the way they began seeing unusual metal things in the water, cameras as humans called them. Gasping, Kyungsoo swam faster, avoiding making contact with the metalic objects. "Wait up, Kyungsoo!" Taekwoon shouted. The other boy didn't listen, sighing the prince followed the other male while still avoiding the metal.

Before they knew it they were back at the cavern. Gasping, Kyunsoo barged into the King's room, "Your Highness! I've just seen more of their cameras near the cavern." He said, worriedly.
"Come with me, Kyungsoo. My guards and I have been talking about what to do, you'll be joining us as well. Taekwoon, you go with Jaehwan or something, and remember stay inside the cavern." He said, heading out the room. Before he went, Kyungsoo looked back at Taekwoon and waved.


"Hakyeon! Wake up! Kim Jongin wants to talk to you!" Hongbin yelled, while shaking the other boy. "Let me sleep, pabo..." The tired boy said while pulling the bed sheets over his face.

"Get up, hyung." A familiar voice said. Pulling the sheets down a little Hakyeon saw that Wonshik was also here.
"Can't I just sleep for a little longer?" Hakyeon whined. "No you can't, and were already late so get ready!" Hongbin said sternly. This made Hakyeon scared, so he got ready in less than five minutes.

Wonshik drove the three of them to a nearby bookstore and parked. This was where the Kim Jongin wanted to talk to Hakyeon. When they entered the store no one except for Jongin was there. "Lee Hongbin how have you been?" He asked smiling and getting up. "You know just being a model, pabo."

Wonshik and Hakyeon stood to the corner awkwardly, not sure of what to do. "Now you must be the Cha Hakyeon I've heard all about." Jongin said. Hakyeon didn't know what to do so he just nodded his head.

Kim Jongin was a tall man, his hair was a light brown color and in his face. He wore a black suit and dress shoes as well. His face was extremely handsome, as well as his smile. If he wasn't such an important person Hakyeon would've probably been flirting with him.

"Ok, so let's get down to business." He said walking back to the table he was in. The three followed and sat at the table.

For about five hours Jongin continuously asked Hakyeon questions like Where were you when you saw it? or What did the creature look like? Finally after all the questions Jongin finally had a conclusion.

"What my team and I have been thinking is that these creatures are located near the west side of the beach. But now thanks to you I now know that we've been looking in the correct location but not the correct spot. Would you like to show me where you saw it and where it swam to?" Jongin said, his eyes fascinated.

"Of course I'd like to." Hakyeon said. And with that they went back to the beach where he bad seen it.

After a few minutes more scientist and crew people showed up with weird things.

Hakyeon had this weird feeling that the creatures would be hurt in this investigation...

{A/N} Yes I know these chapters have been kind of boring, but I swear to Rap Mons Jams that this story will be a little more interesting. So until my next update BYEEEE!!!
(also sorry for not updating I've just been busy so I'll be updating more now!!)

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