Chapter 14

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Sexual Content between two males will be in this chapter, if you don't enjoy ;) it i think it would be best if you do not read it. Also I'm really trying to make this as "sexual" as possible, but i suck, so sorry if it also doesn't make sense. Ok now onto the story!! //idk if Lady Luck goes with this oops 

Arriving to the restaurant five minutes early, Hakyeon noticed that it was in the 'sad' part of town. Everywhere he looked he saw the sad faces of homeless people. Feeling bad, he wad thinking whether or not to drive back to his apartment when a small knock on his window snapped him out of his thoughts.

In front of him stood a man. It was Jongin. He wore a gray buttoned shirt with black slacks. Getting out of the car Hakyeon smiled and bowed his head at him, "Hello, Jongin-ah." Looking up and down at his new toy, Jongin smirked. "I knew it would look sexy on you. Now let's go and eat." Hakyeon looked down and nodded. Why did he have to be so sexy?!

Following his date, Hakyeon sat down next to Jongin. They both ordered some ramen, beer and a piece of chocolate cake. The two laughed and drunk a lot of beer, before Hakyeon knew it they were in a large room filled with only a bed and table.

"W-Where are w-we?" Hakyeon stuttered as he tried to stand up straight. "I own a small house near the restaurant we were at. So I decided why not I punish you here." "P-Punish-" Before he could say anything else he felt strong hands push his on the bed and place something over his eyes.

He couldn't see anything, this scared him. "J-Jongin?! What's going on."
The silence was killing him, he could feel someone watching him, he knew it was Jongin.

"Leo told me that you gave him information about this investigation, so this is your punishment. I've been told when I fuck, I fuck great."

"N-no, he wouldn't!" Hakyeon thought. After a few minutes he felt hands going up his skirt and playing with his underwear. "I thought you would wear male underwear but you're actually wearing panties. You look so sexy."

Hakyeon whimpered a little, "I-I didn't tell him anything! He lied! He lied! Please stop!" Unbuttoning Hakyeon's shirt, Jongin began licking his small nubs. "Well it wouldn't be fair to just stop here, I mean you're leaking from here." Jongin touched the males covered erection.

"AAH! Jongin, don't touch!" Hakyeon moaned.

Pulling down Hakyeon's panties, Jongin began licking the tip which made Hakyeon twitch. "It's so cute, no wonder why men are all over your body." Turning Hakyeon to have him lay on his stomach, Jongin began to take off his pants, his erection began to make a small tent on his underwear. Kissing down Hakyeon's back every now and then Jongin would bite his skin, leaving marks on the beautiful skin. Finally he arrived to the place he wanted to be, Hakyeon's plump and juicy ass.

"Jongin-ah, not there... AHH" Hakyeon moaned as he felt something rubbing against his hole. It was Jongin's fingers. As he lubricated two of them with his saliva and slowly let one enter inside the now moaning lewd boy. "AHH! JONGIN! PLEASE STOP I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Hakyeon yelled as he felt the second finger enter him. Smirking Jongin began to thrust his fingers harder inside Hakyeon, causing him to let his seed go. Panting, Hakyeon non-intentionally began to stick out his booty. ((I'm sorry i didn't want to say ass cx))

After that, Jongin removed his fingers, and began to rub his clothed member. Moving in front of Hakyeon, he forcefully pushed it into his mouth. Once it was fully layered in spit Jongin went back to Hakyeon's backside and aligned his hardness with Hakyeon's entrance. Slowly he pushed his way in, it had been awhile since he had intercourse with a male, and he was feeling great. This continued for an hour, until Jongin was finally dried out. 

Jongin let Hakyeon take a shower and dropped him off at his apartment. Before Hakyeon could close the door Jongin told him when he and his friend would see Leo. Nodding, Hakyeon made his way to the door. Getting out his keys he decided to check the time, it was 3 am.

{A/N} Yes I know there haven't been any/a lot Neo chapters, but there will be and soon c: I hope to whoever's reading this to be ready because there will officially be more N and Leo. ((and maybe some HyukBin, SPOILERZZZ)) Anyway thanks for reading, voting, and commenting, the next chapter will probably be up in a week ^-^ 

// I giggled a lot when making this chapter cx I'm immature

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