Chapter 20

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{A/N} The reader will be in this chapter c: you're welcome cx Also please don't be mad if the characters appearance isn't like yours. This chapter may not make sense..... SORRY cx


"Leo oppa! You made it!" A female voice yelled. I had just walked in and already the girls had found me... Great.

About six girls walked up to me and each began to kiss and hug me. The small girl that looked like Hakyeon gave me the biggest and tightest hug and strangely I didn't want her to let go.

"Let's go to the mini bar Leo!" One of the girls said as she hooked her arm around my arm and dragged me away. She wore a black short and tight dress, her hair was curled and she wore a good amount of make-up.

We sat down at the bar and ordered what we wanted. As we waited for our drinks I began to get a better look at this place.

It was located at a party hall and was quite huge. The girl pulled me out of my observation by pinching my arm. "AHH! What was that for?!" I yelled as I rubbed the hurt area.

"You weren't listening to what I was saying!" She yelled as she pushed a drink towards me. "I was saying that you and (y/n) should get together. I mean she does like you." She sipped at her drink.

"(Y/N)? I don't think I know her." I said as I grabbed my drink. Pinching me once more and turned my head to a small booth table. "She's the one with the short hair, the one that you've been looking at."

"She is cute..." I thought as I continued watching her. The thought of Hakyeon came to me and I began to feel my mood changing.

"She is cute, but I like someone else." I said, turning my head towards my drink. Sighing the girl ordered shots of Vodka and began asking me questions.

"So who is this girl you like? Is she pretty or average?" She asked as she took one of the shots. I answered the questions and slowly started telling her about what had happened in her room. I too had also begun drinking the Vodka shots.

By the end of the story telling I was a drunk, crying mess and I hated it. "That sucks... If *hic* I were you I'd go and *hic* sleep with (y/n). I mean you said that she looks similar to the girl you like."

Wiping my eyes I looked back at (y/n) and smiled. "But why would I wanna sleep with her? I'd like to do more."

She began too laugh and started hitting my arm. "Are you that drunk?! I mean fuck her stupid! You know, stick the sausage in the muffin." She said as she began to do hand motions.

Turning red I looked down and began laughing. "But I don't even know how to do that!" I yelled. She began laughing again and fell off her seat. Her make-up was slowly looking trashy.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I mean you are attractive and I'm sure your extra finger is pretty big... So you'll be fineee."

"Ok fine but do I ask her now or what?" I asked as I got up. Before I could wait for her answer, I could feel myself running towards (y/n). "(Y/N)! I think I like-" I could feel my head hit something hard and my vision slowly went black.


Opening my eyes, I found myself in a dark room and pain at the back of my head. Seconds later I was throwing up on the floor and feeling horrible. "A-Are you ok? I bought some medicine for you." A voice asked. Looking around I found a small figure sitting a few feet away from me.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?"

The lights were turned on and I saw her shyly looking down. "U-Um yeah... I'm sorry that it's me, m-maybe you wanted someone else looking after you." (y/n) stuttered.

Smiling I looked down and saw the mess I made. "If it's not a bother could you bring me a mop. I wouldn't want you to see this mess I've made." I pointed to the floor.

"O-Of course!"


After a few hours I felt somewhat better and found myself getting to know (y/n). I felt as though I was talking to Hakyeon.

--Hour Skip--

"Leo I feel as though I've known you all my life and I'm glad to admit to you that my feelings for you aren't those of a friend. I like you as a man and want to make a romantic relationship with you." (Y/N) said. A light tint of red covered her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way. Well not yet, I mean we just met." I said as I patted her head. "W-well if it's fine may we see each other more often so that we can get to learn about each other?" "Of course we can. Anyway I'm sure the group must be wondering where we are... We should get going."

Nodding she helped me up and took me back to the other girls. After a few more hours of partying, dancing and drinking it was time to go home. "Bye Leo! We'll see you soon!" One of the girls yelled. Waving back at them I began to make my way back home.

Before I could walk up the stairs I was welcomed by an overjoyed Jongin. "Wow Leo, I didn't think you were the type to go drinking." He said as he put his arm around me.

"What do you want?" I asked as I pushed his arm away. Pretending to be hurt he pouted and looked down. "Can't a man just see his friend without a reason?" He asked.

Pushing him away I made my way to the stairs. "Please go away Jongin. Hakyeon wouldn't like to see you here."

"That's true. Maybe it's because I don't like to use his body for my own pleasure." I felt my body tense as the image of her and that man came to mind.

"How did you know?" I asked. Chuckling a little Jongin once again. Put his arm around me. "Wonshik told me about it... Apparently Hakyeon felt so good afterwards that he had to tell everyone."

My heart began to hurt at the thought of Hakyeon enjoying someone else. I could feel a hand slowly run up and down my back while something wet pressed on the back of my neck.

"You know I could make you happier... All you have to do is come with me and I'll help you get through this." Jongin said. His hands were now slowly running over my chest.

For some reason I felt like I wanted to go with him. It was almost hypnotizing. "Hakyeon doesn't know about you like I do... I have done more research on you that brat has. So come with me I promise I don't bite... Hard."


I ended up falling for his trick and before I knew it I was blindfolded and tied up to a chair. What did I get myself into?

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