Chapter 14.5

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{A/N} As you know the original Chapter 14.5 was sort of deleted/erased, so this may not be the same as the original. Sorry for the inconvenience. Stupid me forgot to make a copy of the chapter -.- Also there might not that many updates since school is starting on Monday, one day.


"I'll be going now! Wonshik you're going to take care of Leo! Ok? Ok. Bye!" Hakyeon yelled out from the front door before leaving. Groaning, Wonshik rubbed his forehead, he was stuck taking care of Leo, again. Sighing he went to the kitchen to find a somewhat sad Leo.

Smiling a little, Wonshik picked up a nearby blanket and walked towards Leo. Wrapping the blanket over him Wonshik softly punched Leo's right and left arm. "You have to wearing clothing like a normal human."

Surprised, Leo quickly turned his head. "You know?!" He asked, having a worried expression on his face. "Know what?" Wonshik replied instantly. Sighing in relief, Leo turned back to the window.

The two stayed quiet for what seemed like eternity, well until Wonshik broke it.

"Go get dressed, I'm gonna take you to this new American store that just opened." Staying quiet Leo just stood there. "Where's the clothing I gave you?" 

Going into Hakyeon's room, Leo pointed to a small basket. Walking towards it, Wonshik bent down and got out the small bag. Picking out some black skinny jeans and a gray shirt he threw them to Leo. "Put this on, it'll make you look cool like me." Nodding Leo began to dress. Going into the bathroom Leo looked at himself.

"I look like a regular human boy!" Leo thought as he looked into the mirror. Looking down he frowned at his bare feet. "What about my feet?" Leo said as he exited the bathroom.

Groaning, Wonshik looked around the room and found some gray Vans. "They might be a little small on you, but don't worry I'll buy you some shoes, ok?" Wonshik said as he threw the pair at Leo.


After taking two busses and walking half a mile they were finally at the store. Walking inside they were impressed, it was almost like a mall but with fewer stores inside.

Passing varieties of clothing and candy stores, one particular store caught Leo's attention. It was filled with furry tiny animals. Pulling Wonshik's arm, Leo ran into the somewhat small shop.

Once they went in Leo immediately ran towards a huge black cage full of baby kittens. The top was gone so people could pet and pick them up.
The kittens were all different colors, some black, some white and gray, and some with different color on them.

Picking up a black one, Leo gently pet it before looking up at Wonshik with a huge smile on his face. "W-What are they?" He asked as he gently kissed the top of the kittens head.

Laughing a little, Wonshik messed with Leo's hair before pointing to cages filled with full grown cats. "They are baby cats, their called kittens. Haven't you ever seen one before?" Shaking his head Leo's smile faded away. He had seen cats all the time at the beaches shore, but not baby cats.

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