Chapter 17

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I was laying on the sofa watching some fish show before I was interrupted by Hakyeon.

"Merry Christmas Leo!" N said as she jumped onto me. I was currently on the sofa being smothered by her. This was an everyday experience so I was already used too it.

"Good Morning Hakyeon... " I muttered as I gently pushed her off me. "It's Christmas and I have already made a plan on what we're going to do." She said as she jumped around. Hakyeon was currently wearing a black shirt with grey sweatpants and she looked adorable.

"We're going to go to the theaters and watch an American movie called "Star Wars : The Force Awakens", Wonshik said it was amazing! I've only seen one movie but I think I might understand it." Hakyeon continued as she began spinning around.

"Then later I'm going to give you your Christmas gift. I already know you're going to like it." A smirk slowly grew on her face.

"Hakyeon... What exactly is Christmas?" I asked. I can recall Jaehwan telling me stories about it but I would never pay attention. Gasping she pretended to fall, "You don't know what Christmas is?!"

Moving my legs from the sofa she sat down next to me and changed the channel. It was the channel that would tell about current events, she called it the News. It was showing a giant tree covered in lights and red and gold globes all over it. Seeing this made me remember seeing these strange lights with Jaehwan.


"Merry Christmas Taekwoon-ie!" Jaehwan said as he swam around me. "Merry what?" I asked as I watched him. Stopping he took my arm and pulled me up to the surface.

"I said Merry Christmas! Humans celebrate this day so I wanted to too." He smiled, his white teeth sparkled in the morning sun. Sighing I playfully hit his back, "So how do we celebrate?" I asked.

"First we have to go away from the cavern and swim close to the shore. Then we'll be able to get a better look of all the beautiful lights!" Jaehwan was know pointing to the shore.

There was some kind of festival going on there and the entire beach was covered in many colors. It almost made me want to be a human... Almost.

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