Chapter 16

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It was a few weeks after Leo and Hakyeon had gone to the beach and they slowly started becoming closer. Today they were going to see Wonshik and Hongbin, apparently they wanted to show Hakyeon someone. Hakyeon wore a pretty short black dress with matching heels while Leo just wore torn up grey jeans, a white shirt and the pair of white Converse that Wonshik had bought him. The two were currently walking and heading towards the small café that Wonshik had taken Leo the day they went shopping. He smiled at Hakyeon's stupid remarks about how Hongbin wouldn't find a significant other due to his big ego.

After walking another block the two were finally at the café. Looking inside the big glass window Hakyeon saw that Wonshik and Hongbin were sitting at the table towards the back and with a strange looking boy. Leo walked to the café's door and opened it for Hakyeon.

Thanking Leo, Hakyeon ran in and jumped onto Wonshik's lap causing the blonde boy to punch her softly on the arm. After greeting the owner of the place, Leo went to sit with the others. Hongbin and another boy greeted Leo while Wonshik was trying to get Hakyeon to sit on the chair next to him.

After a few more minutes of Wonshik and Hakyeon 'fighting' Wonshik finally greeted Leo. "I hope you guys are ok with lattes, thats what we all got." Wonshik said with a cute smile. Nodding happily Leo looked at the boy he was sitting next to and began studying him. He had brown hair, somewhat light skin, and what looked like brown eyes.

Noticing that he was staring the boy turned and smiled at Leo. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Han Sanghyuk, please call me Hyuk. I'm the boy who sold you the shoes! It's nice to see you again."

Nodding, Leo thanked Hyuk for his help and Hyuk just smiled.

"Oh yeah, Hakyeon-ah meet my new friend! His name is Hyukkie!! Isn't he so cute!" Hongbin said as he kept his gaze on Hyuk.

Smirking Hakyeon stook out his hand "Hello Hyukkie, I'm Hakyeon and just between the five of us... HONGBIN LIKES YOU I CAN TELL!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND FIGHT ME!" Hongbin yelled as he pulled some of Hakyeon's hair.

"You guys, Hyuk just met us and we're probably scaring him." Wonshik said sternly as he began rubbing the temples of his head.

"Five lattes for Kim Wonshik!" Getting up Wonshik made his way to the counter. Leo and Hyuk just watched in silence as the two's bickering was starting too die down.

Wonshik brought back the lattes and set the carefully on the table making sure they wouldn't fall. Sitting down Wonshik smiled at Leo, "So how are things going at crazy's house?" He asked as he pointed to N.

"Well things are going fine. It's -" "I'm not crazy I'm classy! And I'll have you know that Leo seems to like it here!" Hakyeon yelled as he took Leo's arm and hugged it. "Isn't that right Leo."

Leo just shook his head and sighed. "When will she quiet down?" He asked himself as he began drinking his latte.
"You guys stop arguing and let's get to know our new friend!" Hongbin excitedly said as he smiled at Hyuk.

They quited down and turned to Hyuk. Hyuk looked down shyly as their attention was know on him. "W-Well my name Han Sanghyuk, I work at a shoes store and that's it..."

Hongbin's smile grew bigger as he got out from his seat and gave Hyuk a tight hug. "You're so adorable! I just want too marry you!"

Hyuk's faced turned red as looked down. Noticing this Leo smiled just a little, "Don't worry he's always like this. If you don't like it I could ask him to stop." Bowing his head Hyuk shook his head fast saying that it was alright.


The five of them ended up staying there until nine at night when the owner decided to kick them out. They said their goodbyes as they all went their separate ways.

"So was it nice seeing Wonshik and Hongbin again?" Hakyeon asked as he looked up to Leo. Nodding a slight smile made its way onto Leo's face. "It was also nice meeting Sanghyuk, he seems really nice."

The two walked back to the apartment in a calm silence and went straight to sleep. Their day had been the most exciting one in a while.

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