Chapter 7

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"Do you wanna play a game that humans play?" Jaehwan asked. They had been waiting for a few hours for Kyungsoo and they started becoming bored. "It depends, what kind of game is it?" Taekwoon asked. "Its a game called Truth or Dare. An ajumma once told me that she saw a bunch of humans playing this. Apparently you have a choice to reveal a


{A/N} Well because this chapter was almost fully deleted here's what went on.

Jaehwan and Taekwoon were playing Truth or Dare and Taekwoon was dared to go close to the shore. This is where he sees Hakyeon and 'falls' for her. Hakyeon and Hongbin were on a date and Hakyeon sees Taekwoon.

That's all I somewhat remember and also thanks to iamQie for helping me out! Sorry, but hope this helps.

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