Chapter 15

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Hakyeon POV
"Good morning, N!" Hakyeon heard as he walked out from his room. Looking up he saw an overly happy Hongbin. Groaning, he walked to the small sofa and sat down.

Hakyeon hadn't been feeling well for a few days, after the whole Jongin incident of course. His back was in pain, and he felt like his head was spinning. After a few minutes of trying to get his vision straight, Hakyeon smiled.

"What brings you here, Hongbin?" He asked. Smiling, Hongbin opened the front door. There stood a nicely dressed Wonshik, for once he wasn't wearing a snapback. His hair was now a bleached blonde and was swept back. He wore a pitch black suit, with matching slacks and shoes. Hongbin wore the same.

"We are going to talk to Jongin and Taemin. Apparently, they think we know about the sea people." Wonshik said as he walked in.

Nodding Hongbin looked at his watch and groaned. "Well, if we don't leave we won't be there on time. Let's go Wonshik." Hongbin left the apartment and Wonshik sighed. "While we're gone, try to get to know Leo. He's pretty interesting."

Wonshik paused for a second and smiled, "You might want to put on your wig if you still want to keep your identity a secret." And with that Wonshik left, closing the door behind him.

Groaning Hakyeon went to the bathroom and washed his face. The cold water made him feel calm and woke him up. Looking at reflection in the mirror he groaned. "I don't want to put that horrid thing on..."

The thought of him having to continue to be someone he wasn't was starting to kill him. He just wanted Leo to know him for who he was, not as 'N'. Going into his room Hakyeon quietly looked around for his wig and bra.

"Where are you... Stupid bra cups..." He muttered silently before finding them under a pile of clothing. Looking up he saw that Leo was on his bed again. "Why is he always in my room?!" Hakyeon asked himself as he quietly got on his knees. He looked under more piles of clothing and his bed, that's when he saw what he was searching for. His wig.

It was under a dress and heels which were next to where Leo was quietly sleeping. Carefully, Hakyeon crawled to the piled and took the wig. Standing up, he headed for the door. After one or two steps he felt a strong hand on him, turning around he saw it was Leo.

"H-Hey.." Hakyeon stuttered. For some reason the thought of Leo seeing his true self scared him.
There was a long amd eerie silence as Leo looked at him from top to bottom.
"Who are you?" He asked, his grip around the smallers hand began to tighten.

'Should I say I'm Wonshik's boyfriend? No that's stupid... I'll just pretend to be N, Maybe Leo won't hurt me.'

"Erm... It's m-me Hak-Hakyeon I'm Hakyeon. I cut my hair short, that's why I look different." Looking at the person in front of him Leo smiled.

"Sorry, you just seem different like a boy." Looking down Leo pointed at Hakyeon's chest. "Wasn't your chest a little bigger?"

Blushing, Hakyeon neck chopped the taller boy and picked up a bra. "These are called push up bra's they make your breasts seem bigger."

"What're breasts?" Leo asked as he took the bra and put the cups on his head. Getting upset Hakyeon took his bra of his head and kicked his leg.

"Why do you always do that? They go on your chest not your head, dumb ass. Oh and to answer your question breasts are the fluffy and soft things on women's chests."

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