Chapter 22

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Jongin P.O.V

"Jongin, you're so attractive when you're upset." A female voice said seductively.

Smirking, I slowly stood up from my desk making sure not to drop any documents, and walked towards the voice.

"You always know how to get me excited." My voice was deeper than usual due to my sleepless nights. In front of me stood my current assistant and lover Soo Jung or as I called her, Krystal. She was quite small, well compared to me, and had beautiful brown hair. Our relationship was a dark secret no one could know about. I mean we were of different rankings, I couldn't let my image be brought down just because of a silly affair.

Krystal wore a short black skirt, a long sleeved gray crop top, and matching black wedges. Man she looked beautiful.

She wrapped her arms around me and placed a kiss on my neck, her lipstick stain was left as a sign that I was hers. "I don't know what to do. That Leo is strange don't you think?" I asked. Looking up at me she smiled and began rubbing my back. "Let's not talk about him now, I mean you're already stressed out. Why not we talk about something else..." Her voice trailed off as she let go of me and pulled me towards her laptop.

Her expression changed from happiness to anger as she pointed towards he screen. "You told me you loved me... Yet you had the audacity to go out and sleep with that man!?" On the small screen showed a photo of what looked like Hakyeon riding me.

Silence filled the room as I tried to think of an explanation. Taking a deep breath I looked up to look at my love in the eyes. "It was for the sake of the investigation, what else could I do? That's the only way a man like him would be able to talk!" A tear rolled down her angelic skin and slowly made its way to her soft jawline.

"This isn't the first time that you've done this with him... Here!" A small envelope was thrown towards me as a single picture fell out. It was of Hakyeon and I going into the small house that one night. Why did I think that was right?

Picking it up I slowly tore it and threw the envelope onto a nearby chair. "Look, I'm sorry. Please don't be upset, I promise I'll make it up to you." As I extended my hand to touch her, but she quickly slapped it. "Don't touch me." She said sternly. Picking up her laptop she left the room.

"I fucked up big time."


A week passed and Krystal began talking to me, but only about the investigation and nothing else. Every night she'd leave and return the next morning smelling different each day.

I laid on my sofa looking up at the ceiling as thoughts of the investigation filled my mind. My team and I still hadn't found anymore evidence of the creatures other than the one that we had trapped. I regretted letting Leo go, I could've done many things in order to get him to talk.

"The government won't continue supporting me unless I find true evidence of these creatures."

My thoughts were interrupted when the cute voice of my assistant reached out to me. "Huh?"

"Don't 'huh' me. I just told you an excellent plan and yet you ignore me." She said sternly. Sighing I sat up and looked at her, sadness in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind... May you repeat what you just said?"

Nodding, she took out a small notepad from out of her pocket and tossed it to me. "So these are some ideas that I've thought of and how we can trap that man again. The idea I told you about is on the eighth page. What I was thinking is that your friend, Taemin, and I go watch and befriend Leo. I know where he is currently working and living and if possible I'll try to get to know Hakyeon as well. We'll keep data about him and maybe Hakyeon to see if anything is strange." She paused for a moment and sat down next to me.

The smell of soap and perfume surrounded her and got stronger as she came closer to me. "Hopefully we'll be able to get the truth out about him. Then maybe we can try to fix us." She continued as she gave me a small hug. Nodding, I stood up and placed a small kiss on her forehead, "I'm going to call Taemin to see if he'd approve and join this plan... I'll call you once I've talked to him." With that I left the room and made my way towards my office. Closing the door behind me I and sighed.

"So much work, so little time..."


{A/N} Hey, sorry for not updating for a while. My EOC's are coming up so I have little time to do things that I wanna do. I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Jongin and Krystal!
Until next time, bye. c:
-Author Merf

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