Chapter 2

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Rules of the Siren way
1) You must NEVER speak to a human.
2) Always stay from human territory, no exceptions.
3) If you dare speak with a human, and share our darkest secrets you will be executed.
4) The prince or princess should NEVER fall in love with a human.
5) All sirens must stay on Naksan Beach waters unless told otherwise.

Taekwoon was swimming around in the oceans cold water when he saw a human staring at him. Trying to blend in, he pretended that he was part of the water. When the human left, Taekwoon sighed, "If only I could be one of them..." But he knew he couldn't ever be a human, since he was the prince of the sirens in the area. He went to his favorite part of the small beach where the rocks were. People usually never went out there.

"Taekwoon? Is that you?" A male voice called out. Turning around I saw one of my 'friends', Jaehwan. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm attempting to relax?" Taekwoon said swimming to his friend. "I know I'm just bored, you try listening to the King when he's in a foul mood." He pouted and crossed his arms. "Is he looking for me again?" Jaehwan shook his head and went back underwater. Following him he noticed more polution in the water, "Humans, they're so disgusting..."

They continued to swim until they made it to a cavern. It was about 80 feet underwater, on the outside it appeared small but in the inside it was huge and wide. This was where their type of siren stayed, mostly everyone looked the same. The men and women sirens wore nothing, their fin scales were either a dark brown, red, or yellow. Only the queen, king, and prince had different colored fins. Their fins were different shades of blue, so it was easier for them to blend in.



Chapter two was deleted so here's a short summary to help.

The two mermen (Jaehwan and Taekwoon ) make their way back to the underwater cavern where an anxious Kyungsoo is waiting for them. Kyungsoo tells Taekwoon that his father is waiting for him and is in a foul mood in the "study".

Taekwoon and his father, the king, argue about Taekwoon not wanting to become the future successor to the throne. Jaehwan interrupts the two by going into the room and joking with Taekwoon's mother, the queen. The two sing the Sirens Song while swimming around the room and causing a disturbance in the conversation. The king gets mad and yells at his wife and Jaehwan saying that they should behave like royalty should. He then dismisses Taekwoon and Jaehwan while telling Kyungsoo to look after them.

Taekwoon and Jaehwan manage to get away from Kyungsoo and start talking about Taekwoon and how he'd sit on the throne one day. Taekwoon tells Jaehwan that his father would rather have his younger cousin Sehun as the successor since his father prefers him the most. After this the two head back to the cavern where they are greeted once again with an angered Kyungsoo.


{A/N} I hope that helped a little and I'm sorry that most of this chapter was deleted.

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