Chapter 10

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Waking up, N found Leo shirtless and sitting next to him. Turning a bright red, he apologized and ran to the other room. N found it cute. Before doing anything, he got out his phone and texted Wonshik. He asked if he would check up on his new guest and Wonshik agreed. Putting his phone on the sofa he stretched his arms. Getting up, he went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After applying foundation he began to make himself into a woman. Brushing out his wig he curled and put it on. Putting on mascara and eyeliner, he went on to the lips. Taking up an hour in the bathroom, he just needed to put on his 'working' clothes on.

Putting on a navy blue mini dress and black heels he walked out of the bathroom. Walking into his room to feed Sojin fish, he found Leo playing and talking with her.

"Her name is Sojin fish, she's named after a Girl's Day member. Do you want to feed her?" N asked getting out he fish food. Nodding Leo put out his hands and waited to get the food. Showing his how much to feed her, N let Leo feed the fish.

Smiling, N got his black purse  and put it over his shoulder. "I'm going now, Wonshik will be coming over in a little to check up on you. Behave, I'll be back in a few hours."
Nodding Leo continued to feed the fish.

"I'll be going know. " And with that N picked up his phone and left. Little did he know was that the Wonshik and Leo would do something unexpected.


When he was finally alone, Leo once again began his conversation with the fish. "So, you've been trapped in here for 9 years? It must've been hard for you. Its been two days since I've been in the water... I'm going to see if N has a tub. I'll talk to you later."

After finishing their conversation Leo went to the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub. It had been two days since he had been in the water and he was missing its nice wet feeling.

Taking everything off, he went into the tub and sat in it, enjoying every moment. Before he knew it, Leo began to cry. He began singing a song he knew to well, and by heart. It was the Sirens Song.

The song contained of light 'ah's' and 'la's', a song only his kind and sea-animals understand.

Slowly he began falling asleep, the more he sang the more drowsy he became.


Leo was awoken when he felt something soft on his lips. Opening his eyes he found Wonshik on top of him, eyes closed and lips on Leo's.

“Do humans do this? More like, do male humans do this kind of things? Why is it so cold?”

These questions ran threw his mind before he realized that he had fallen asleep while still in the tub. This meant he was still naked.

Not knowing what to do, Leo kissed back at Wonshik, or what he thought a kiss was. Slowly he moved his lips and opened his mouth, letting Wonshik's tongue in.

Getting startled, Wonshik pulled his head up and staggered backwards, hitting his back on the half opened bathroom door.

“Are you ok?” Leo asked. Getting up he walked over to Wonshik.
P-PABO! What the fuck was that!? Why'd you kiss me?!” Wonshik yelled. Throwing a bottle of shampoo at Leo he got up and ran into N's room. Sitting on N's bed, Wonshik put his head on his hands. 

Not knowing what to do Leo followed, he was still naked. Walking into the room, he decided to calm Wonshik down like he used to calm Jaehwan. By hugging him and rubbing his fins, in this case he'd have to rub the mans legs instead.

Sitting on the left of the now calmed down man, Leo apologized while  hugging and rubbing Wonshik's legs.


Leaving his customers motel room at 8pm, N stumbled to a nearby taxi. This customer, a young man, had gotten N drunk and had violated him mercilessly. He could feel the warm seed dripping down his legs as he got in the little car.

He didn't want to go home like this and have Leo see him in his unusual state, but what choice did he have.

After 10 minutes of having the driver take him to his apartment he took off his heels and walked up the stairs.
Opening the door he noticed that it was strangely quiet. Too quiet.

Annyeonghaseyo, Leo? Are you here?” N shouted as he placed his purse on the sofa. Hearing a small grunt in his room, N slowly walked to the closed door.

Putting his ear on the door he heard two male voices, one was Wonshik's.
“S-Stop! This is embarrassing.... ”
“Its ok, I've done this with my friend before.”
More grunts.

“Whats going on in there? And why are they in my room?” Slowly opening his bedroom door he found Leo on Wonshik. Leo was naked and Wonshik was covering his red face.

“Whats going on?” N asked as he pulled Leo off of his friend.
“I-It's not what it looks like! He was rubbing my legs!” Wonshik said.
Rubbing his eyes N picked up a towel off the floor and threw it to Leo. “Leo come here.”


Walking towards N, Leo apologized to Wonshik and gave N the towel. Smiling, N kneeled down and pulled Leo in close and wrapped his arms around his waist. “Sorry if I touch that, I just need to wrap this around you.”

Wonshik who was watching as N went closer to the other man's Southern Regions, looked down and walked out the door.

Leo turned a deep red and looked down at the girl, he felt strangely weird. Having a human body let's you feel different feelings... It was weird.

Feeling her slender hand accidentally touch his human part made himgasp a little. He'd never felt this way before. “Sorry, I just need to tuck this end in this part of the towel. And there. Done.” She smiled and got up.


Walking out of the room, N found Wonshik sitting on the sofa. Noticing that he looked upset, he sat next to him. “What's wrong, Wonshik?”
Sighing Wonshik put his arm around the darker man. “You know, its awkward seeing the person you like touch another mans junk in front of him.” He said, while faking a smile.

“Well, I was just-”
“It's fine, I can tell you like him. He seems nice to, so I guess you can be with him. But if I were you I would tell him that-”
Wonshik was interrupted when Leo walked in wearing a bra on his head, again.

Looking at Leo then at N, Wonshik sighed and got up, “I guess I'll leave you guys alone. Also, I think I've gotten over you...” And with that Wonshik left.

Getting up N got on his toes and took the bra off Leo's head. Patting his shoulder N smiled, “Put on the clothes Wonshik gave to you.”
Nodding, Leo went back into N's room.

After two hours of watching over Leo, he put him to sleep. Taking care of Leo was like taking care of a child.
It was also hard to sleep, his wig irritated his head. But he would have to learn to get used to it.

Finally falling asleep,still in his dress,  N had nightmares about his last customer and the things he did to him.


{A/N} Eyeyeye
Weird chapter am I right?!!??
Okokok next chapter will be more interesting I promise!!!

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