Chapter 8

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Hakyeon couldn't stop thinking about the creature and how beautiful it was. Sighing he got up from his bed and got ready. It was about 5pm. Hakyeon had slept in later than he expected. He wasn't doing anything special today so he decided to go swim at the beach. Putting on his new pink bikini and a dress over it with his wig, he was ready to go.

While walking over to the beach he saw Jongin talking to men in scuba diving gear.
“I wonder what their looking for now... ” He couldn't help but feel that they were going to do something bad.

He continued walking until he was at his favorite part of the beach. Some guys were there yelling out Jimin, ya got no jams!” while recording themselves.

Taking off the dress he sat on the cool sand in his comfortable bikini. It was a light pink color, matching with his Carmel colored skin.

After about five minutes of just sitting in the sand he started getting bored. He wished that Wonshik was there with him.
He'd probably be yelling at him to put his dress back on, or give him his jacket.

Sighing Hakyeon got up and went into the water. It was extremely cold, but he didn't want to get out.

After swimming for a while he noticed a man emerging from the water, gasping for air.
“I-Is that the creature from the other day? No it couldn't be...”


Before he knew it, Taekwoon was emerging from the water at a fast speed. With the help of Jaehwan, he was able to make it to the surface before he could drown.

Helping his friend to a rock near the two, Jaehwan helped his friend get on it, “This is bad Taekwoon. What will the king and queen say!” Sighing Jaehwan rubbed Taekwoon's arm. His eyes moving downward, his friend now had long, lean, and muscular legs.

“He can't comeback now...” Jaehwan thought. Before he could talk to his friend longer he heard a mans voice. “Is everything alright? Are you hurt?” Scared, Jaehwan went back under the water, “I'm sorry, Taekwoon.”


Opening his eyes, Taekwoon found himself in a strange and cold room. Looking around he saw white walls around him, one with an opening, and strange boxes with lights in them. Getting up he saw a girl outside one of the walls, she was talking to another person. That's when it hit him, he was now human. He was in a human world now. Getting off the weird thing he was laying on, he tried to stand, which led to falling to the cold, hard ground.

Before he knew it more humans were surrounding him, including the girl.

“Are you alright?”
“Are you hurt?”
Can you stand properly?”

Their voices were beginning to annoy him. “W-Where I?” He said. His eyes widened, he was talking to humans.
“You're at the hospital, your friend helped you come here.” The oldest man said looking at him then at the girl.

Taekwoon followed the older mans gaze to see the woman who had supposedly ‘saved’ him.

“What's you're name?” The old man said, while helping him up.

“You should make up a name for yourself, call you self Leo. Its not a common name so it'll be easier for you to hide.” Taekwoons aunt said before changing him into a human.

“I-Its Leo.” He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“An american name, how interesting. Well you seem well enough to leave, just make sure you rest.” The man said pattig Leo on the back.
“I'll make sure he gets back safely.” The girl said, her voice sounded of a man. “Here, wear this. You wouldn't want to walk naked outside.” The doctor said handing him pants and a shirt.

After an hour of signing documents Leo was finally able to leave, with the young woman. Finally being alone with ‘her’, Leo was now able to get a good look at his savior’.

Her hair was jet black and picked up in to ponytails, her skin was a nice dark brown, she wore a pink dress, and she was a little shorter than him.
Overall she was attractive.
But he knew he'd seen her somewhere else, that's when it hit him. She had seen him in his true form.


The two walked for 30 minutes until they reached his apartment. Opening the door Hakyeon invited Leo in.
“So, do you want to eat something?” He asked the quiet man. Shaking his head, Leo just stood by the closest wall to him. Sighing, Hakyeon went to his room to find extra clothes for his new guest.

“This might not fit you, but at least its something. Right?” Hakyeon said giving Leo some jeans and a clean white shirt. “You can change in the other room if you want.” He said putting on white slippers.
When he turned around, he saw Leo stripping right in front of him.


Looking at the clothing he decided to change, taking off his other shirt, be noticed that the girl was looking at him. “W-Wha?” He asked while putting on the clean shirt.
“A-Are you sure you don't want to change in the other room?” The girl asked, pointing to a different room.

Nodding, Leo went into the room and closed its door. Taking off his pants, he noticed something that wasn't there when he was a siren. Dropping the clean pants, he grabbed onto the weird onbject. It was in the middle of his new legs. The thing was long, wobbly, and had a little hair around it. Lifting it up, there was a sack like thing under them.



Hakyeon had been removing his make-up when he heard a scream coming from his room. Barging in he saw Leo without pants, screaming at his lower region.

“What's the matter?” He asked, walking towards Leo. Looking down to meet the others gaze, he saw his longness. “W-What is this?” Leo asked moving it towards Hakyeon.

“T-That's called a, um, penis... All men have them.” Hakyeon tried to move his gaze somewhere other than what was being showed at him. Looking from his, part, to Hakyeon, a smile appeared on Leo's face. “How do they work?” He asked, moving it with his fingers.

Blushing, Hakyeon picked up the pants from the floor, “I-I'll tell you later, just put these on.”

Running out from the room, Hakyeon went to his bathroom. “Pabo, showing me his parts! Who does he think he is?” Rinsing his face, Hakyeon smiled.
“I should pretend to be a girl for a while, well just around him. I wonder how I'm going to tell Wonshik...”


{A/N} Honestly I feel like this fix is gonna be long CX but anyway thanks for reading, to the people who are reading, next chapter in a week or two ^-^
Sorry for sort of boring chapter...

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