Chapter 4

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Rules of the Siren way
5) Only the king has the power to change things.
6) The prince or princess can never be seen by human eyes.
7) Sirens must NEVER go to the sea witch.

Jaehwan and Taekwoon had decided to take a break from their boring siren life to look at humans. They were behind a small boulder that didn't completely hide them. “Do you see that beauty with that human?” Jaehwan said pointing to a slim dark woman. She was with a handsome man, and they seemed to be enjoying each other's company. “You like her don't you, Taekwoon.” Jaehwan said poking his back, making the other boy let out a groan. “Do that again and I'll make sure the king doesn't let you see my mom.” Taekwoon said pushing him away. The two began pushing each other and slapping their tales towards each other. Before they knew it they were closer to the humans. Jaehwan stayed still, “See what you've done, now they can probably see us!” He whispered angrily. “You shouldn't have been poking me!” Taekwoon whispered back, moving his hair away from his face. He turned to see that the girl was now looking at him. Turning around he saw that Jaehwan was already diving back into the water. The scared siren attempted to dive in after his friend, but couldn't, his tail was stuck on metal chain. “That idiot just left me here!” Jumping around he tried to free himself, hoping that she would look away. The chain only got even more stuck and began cutting into his tail. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?” Her voice said. Strangely she sounded like a man.


Noticing that the man looked hurt he took off his heels and ran from Hongbin. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?” The boy asked, before stopping. Looking at the man, he noticed that it wasn't a man. It was a mermaid, or merman creature. The creature lifted its head and glared at Hakyeon, “Stay away from me!” he didn't know what to do but stare, the creatures tail was bleeding. It looked stuck to a chain. “Do you need help?” Hakyeon asked, keeping his distance from the man. It looked at him once more before diving in the water with all its might, cutting ‘his’ tail.

Hongbin had finally caught up with Hakyeon, when the ‘thing’ was gone. “W-What happened? And where did this blood come from!?” He asked looking at Hakyeon then back at the boulder. “I-It was... A beautiful creature... ” Was all that Hakyeon could say before he blacked out.


“What happened to you!?” Jaehwan screamed. Tears were falling down from his face. The prince couldn't swim for much longer and collapsed in his friends arms. “This is all my fault! I should've helped you free yourself!” He said hugging his hurt friend. Sighing Taekwoon looked up to his friend and smiled, “What are we going to tell my father when he sees me like this?” He said trying to reach down to touch his wound. Before Jaehwan could respond Taekwoon's ‘care taker’, as the king called him, came in with a stern look. “You went out there didn't you!” He shouted “Kyungsoo, it was my fault. I told him to go out there!” Jaehwan was now yelling. Grabbing some seaweed, Kyungsoo began wrapping his tail to stop the bleeding. “Jaehwan, whatever you do don't tell the king. I'll deal with him later.” And with that picking him up, he carried Taekwoon to his room.

The king and queen never knew what happened, and with Kyungsoo's caring for Taekwoon was healed. Jaehwan and the prince were no longer allowed to go anywhere without Kyungsoo or a gaurd watching them.

Taekwoon's life would soon change when he met someone...
The Sea Witch herself...

{A/N} there won't be any updates for about a week or two, I'm really sick and I need to catch up with school work so until then I hope you enjoy these last four chapters •~•
Until then Bye ~~

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