Chapter 35: Back With Bae

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*Parts of this chapter contain sexual content, an '*' sign will be present on the parts that are sexually explicit*

She looks like a cute fuzzy marshmallow. My marshmallow I think to myself, grinning. I pick her up from the hospital bed and set her down on her feet. Together, we walk out and find everyone waiting outside for us. The nurse makes me sign one more form before she lets us all leave the hospital. Everyone sort of huddles around Jayleigh making sure she is warm and protected. I smile, knowing how much she is loved and cared for. I can't risk anything else happening to her again, I just can't. Which is why I'm going to take her somewhere safe and far away from everything, tomorrow. Although her parents aren't going to like me taking her away, I'm still going to have to do it. They've done a lousy job of protected her I'm sorry to say but it's the truth. I can't afford for my baby girl to get hurt again and that's that.

It was very late out so everyone was going to make their way home and see Jayleigh again when she was feeling better. She said goodbye to everyone and then we all got into her dad's van to go home. I picked her up and got into the van placing her on the seat next to me as I sat down too. She was looking at me with her gorgeous eyes that were incredibly tired. We cuddled the whole journey home.


We get home and surprisingly Jayleigh seemed to be a little more energetic, probably because she had a nap in the car, whilst drooling all over my shirt. I loved it really, I think to myself. Her dad opens the door to the van, clearly avoiding any eye contact with Jayleigh or me, or anyone. Clearly he was feeling guilty as he should. Jayleigh walks past him and I behind her into the house. She runs upstairs and into her room. What was she playing at? I walk up slowly towards the room and cautiously open the door. I couldn't see her anywhere... I close the door slowly and find her hiding behind it with a pillow! Oh gosh! *Whack* She hits me with the pillow over and over again, making me walk backwards towards the bed. *Whack* she hits me again making me fall onto the bed on my back. I'm laughing like crazy and so is she. I love her laugh it's so pure. She jumps on top of me and holds my hands down flat. "You are mine Mr Bieber" she says seductively. "Who's are you?" she asks, taking my shirt off. "I'm yours baby girl, forever and always" I reply, panting. I could see that she was still in a lot of pain, I don't want her to do anything she doesn't want to. "Baby, you're still in pain, we can do this another time?".

"I'm fine Justin, really. I just want to make you happy"

"You don't need to have sex with me to make me happy. Being with me is more than enough"

"But you're a guy, and I know how much you guys need it so please let me"

"Baby, no." I say holding her hands in mine. "I don't want you to do anything until you're feeling a hundred percent better, hear me?"

I spot a tear roll down her eye which I instantly wipe away and remind her of the fact that I don't love her for her body but for the amazing, kind and caring person she really is. I bring her close to me so I can kiss her plump lips, cuddling her at the same time. Suddenly, I hear something rumble. Whoops, that was my stomach. Jayleigh laughs. "Are you hungry my prince?" She asks me.

"Yes and so must you be?" I reply, kissing her again.

"Yeah, me too. I'll go make us something"

"No, you're going to stay right here and pick a movie for us to watch together on Netflix while I go down and make a quick pizza for us, okay?"

"Aww, thank you" Jayleigh says.

I kiss her one more time before getting up from the bed and making my way downstairs.

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