Chapter 24: Goodbye

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I didn't sleep all night, my eyes were hurting but not as much as my heart. Why was she doing this to me? She was still fast asleep, wrapped in my arms, tightly. I was literally cherishing this moment as it may be the last time she's with me. Instantly, I dismiss the thought from my head. I cuddle her tighter and continue to inhale the amazing shampoo scent from Jayleigh's hair. Slowly, her body turns around, facing me but her eyes were still closed. I look over her shoulder at the time, it was 5:40. I slowly move a lock of hair that had fallen onto Jayleigh's face, behind her ear. She looked so beautiful, I had honestly never seen a girl like her before, ever. She was a miracle that had come into my life especially after the downfall I had previously. She was my guidance and now she was leaving... Who will look after her in London? If Ellie was able to get so close to Jayleigh whilst I was here, imagine what could happen when she's by herself? I understand that she doesn't want me getting hurt but the truth is, I'd rather me get hurt than Jayleigh.

After about an hours time of me playing with her hair and inhaling her gorgeous scent, her eyes slowly begin to open. She looked at me with a confused expression which made me giggle, god damn she was sexy!


I didn't sleep as good as I could've last night, I was too busy thinking about the whole Austin situation. I open my eyes, not wanting to sleeping anymore and find a staring Justin Bieber. Why was he staring at me? How long has he been there, I wonder? After looking at my facial expression, he giggled causing me to giggle. "Why are you staring at me?" I ask after giggling. "Because you're so god damn beautiful" he replies causing me to blush. "How did you sleep, Justin?" I ask, curious because I didn't sleep well at all. "I didn't sleep" he replies, blankly. He obviously wasn't lying because his eyes were telling me everything. Oh god, why? "Baby, why didn't you get any sleep?" I ask, upset. "Dunno" he replies making me instantly understand. He was thinking about me, that's why. "I'm so sorry" I say as all the feelings from last night come back to me. He just continues to stare at me then looks down. I lift his head back up and lean in to kiss him. Our lips connect and sync together perfectly. I put my hands into his messed up bed hair and roll over so I'm now on top of him. We continue to kiss like this as he holds my behind, with both hands, squeezing it. He then moves one hand up to my hair and begins to fiddle. I could instantly feel his erection from underneath me begin to grow. That was probably the only thing that made me want to stop kissing him because I knew it was turning him on or in other words, making him want sex. After a few more kisses and tongue colliding, I stop. "I love you, Miss Waters" he says. I just smile and decide to change the subject. "We should probably get up and have some breakfast." I say. "Sounds good" he says as he begins to sit up. He stands up and only now do I realise he's wearing PJ's, probably because my parents were around otherwise everyone knows that Justin sleeps shirtless. Without saying anything he walks over to the bathroom and I'm guessing takes a shower.

Everyone was already in the main room, eating breakfast. I walk over to Kelsie and sit down next to her. I still needed to brush my teeth and fix my hair but to be honest, I couldn't be asked. Probably not the best thing to do around Justin's parents but hey, I was going through a hard time! "I missed a lot last night, sorry baby" Kelsie says. "It's ok, I'm actually glad you missed it. I didn't want you worrying." I reply. "Well I'm worrying now but I'm over the moon on the fact that you're coming home!" She almost yells. "I wish I felt the same way but I hate leaving Justin" I say, feeling more hurt. "I know, Jayleigh. I know." She says, cuddling me.

Elsa walks over to me and hands me my breakfast (egg, toast, beans, chips, sausages), it was very British! I suddenly realise why she'd made it...because I was leaving today. I give her a smile and mouthed the words 'thank you'. She smiles back and walks away. I don't think she wanted me to go either, I could tell by the way she looked at me. I finished my breakfast very fast and went to take a shower once Justin had finished. I quickly strip from my clothes and climb in, locking the door. I could smell Justin's heavenly body wash and decide to put it on, this way, when I do go back to London, I can still smell like him. I rub it all over my body, hard, hoping the scent will last longer this way. I run the hot shower and continue to rub myself, it felt amazing after what's happened, finally being able to relax in the hot steam. It felt as if all my problems were being washed away, literally. I didn't want to leave the shower but I knew I had to.

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