Chapter 25: The Flight

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I awake with a big jolt and instantly look around to see what was going on. The airplane was going through a terrible storm, it was scaring me to death. I slowly awake Kelsie because this was getting too much. "Kels" I say whilst nudging her. She, too, awakes after a few nudges and looks at me puzzled. "I'm scared" I say. "Don't be scared, It's just a storm." She says whilst rubbing my back. "It doesn't sound normal" I say, still not sure. "Jayleigh, these planes are highly capable of going through a petty storm, stop worrying, okay? Try to get some sleep" she says before turning over and going back to sleep. Great, I was all alone again. My parents were asleep as was Austin, pretty much the whole plane was asleep except for a few teenagers that were watching some movies on their screens...and me (obviously).

The storm seemed to be getting worse and I really needed to pee; this made me think of what happened last time I was aboard a plane and in the toilet... I shivered at the thought. After a while, I couldn't hold it anymore, I really had to go to the toilet. I hesitated at first but somehow unbuckled my belt and stood up. I could feel the plane moving harshly from side to side, was it really that bad outside? I slowly made my way to the small toilet after tripping several times. Once inside, I locked the door and made sure by looking again. For some strange reason, I felt paranoid. I still felt those creepy eyes on me, why? Even though Jake was dead, I felt as if he was still watching me. I quickly did my business and decided to stay in the toilet for a while because it felt much safer here than it did outside in the cabin.

I started thinking about Justin. Is he okay? What's he doing? Has he eaten? I was so extremely worried. I wanted to know if he was okay but there was no service on the plane. I decide to call him as soon as I get off the plane. I slide my phone back into my pocket and suddenly feel my face hit the door of the toilet, hard! What the hell was that? All I could hear from inside the plane was screaming, what was going on? I unlock the bathroom door and find two men holding a gun in each of their hands...holy f**k! I quickly lock the door again and rest my back against it. What was going on? I could feel my heart racing as I heard more and more screams until *BANG* I heard one of the guns fire! Oh please god, no! Please let my family be okay, please. Gradually the screams calmed down after the gunshot which made me decide to listen to any noises. I put my ear to the door and listened carefully. I could only hear small murmuring of the worried passengers but then a loud and clear voice was speaking... "Everyone, shut the f**k up! If you don't want to die, you need to help us find someone. On this plane is a girl named Jayleigh Waters, here's a picture of her. I look through the incredibly small keyhole of the toilet door and see an African American man holding up a picture of me with Justin, oh my god! I started to feel faint but I had to stay strong if I was to survive this moment.

Slowly, I unlocked the door and crawled out, towards my mom. She saw me and handed me a bag. I looked at her with a puzzled face until I looked in the bag. I looked back at her and mouthed the words "thank you". I crawled back into the toilet making sure I didn't grab the attention of the two men who were now walking from seat to seat searching for me. I quickly opened up the bag which had a medium sized blonde wig and some instant spray-on tan. My mother truly was smart, how does she do it? I quickly put my hair into a bun and adjust the wig so that it looked realistic. Blonde really didn't suit me but I didn't really care about my attractiveness right now but instead getting away from these two men who I'm guessing are in partnership with Ellie. Thinking about her literally makes me puke. I spray on the tan and begin to help the blending process by smothering it with my hands. I add some make-up that was also in the bag. Whilst applying it, there was a sudden, loud knock on the door. My body starts to sweat but I try to minimise the sweating by breathing in and out, fast just incase it ruins the make-up. I need to look as different as possible. My heart was beating incredibly fast.

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