Chapter 9: A Busy Day

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Within seconds, a pair of warm, sexy and soft lips were on me. It felt like every bad thing Jake had ever done to me had just...gone away. This kiss felt different and full This is how a kiss should be. He pulled away from me slowly and his cheeks went red...he's so adorable when he's shy. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Sorry about that, I couldn't help it" he said.

I didn't really know what to say, why was he sorry? Did he not want to kiss me? Of course he did! He said he 'couldn't help it'. I felt so alive, so happy. I've never ever felt this way. This was my real 'first' kiss.


Her lips felt amazing...I can't even explain it. She must think I'm a right dork, a desperate fool. But the truth is, I couldn't stop myself, I just couldn't. I had to kiss her, my lips needed to and to tell the truth, I don't regret it one bit. I can't wait to do it again...soon. I hope she wants to do it too.

The elevator doors open, I grab Jayleighs's hand and walk out. I let Scooter know that we are about to walk out the hotel and to keep the car door open as we need to run in.

"Jayleigh, I've just texted Scooter that we are about to come out. You need to run but be careful, the paparazzi are crazy. Don't talk to them, don't look at them just keep your head down and keep hold of my hand! That's the main thing, ok?"

She nodded her head.

I hope she hasn't stopped talking to me because of the kiss. I hope I haven't messed anything up.


The doorman opens the door and Justin holds my hand tighter.

Bless him, he doesn't want me getting lost with the paparazzi. Suddenly hundreds of lights start flashing and people start screaming....really LOUD! Justin runs out of the hotel, still holding my hand and we are instantly joined by security guards who are running beside us, keeping the paparazzi away. Do they always have to do this? What a boring job. How much do they get paid?

Justin quickly grabs my waist and helps me into a black van with tinted windows were I find Scooter and the rest of the crew already waiting. I don't know why but I feel really embarrassed. They must think that Justin is taking pity on me and that I'm only with Justin for his money. But that's far from it, I hope Justin knows that. Within seconds, Justin jumps into the van, too. One of the guards closes the door and the van speeds off. I look back and see a huge number of fans and paparazzi chasing us. Wow.

Justin looks over at me and smiles.

"Jayleigh, what are you planning on doing today? Justin has a really busy schedule and I don't really want you disturbing him" scooter said.

Why would I want to disturb Justin? I don't want to do anything to make things hard for him.

"Scooter, she's not disturbing me. She can stay with me if she likes." Justin replies to scooter.

"Or she can come shopping with me today?" A girls voice says from the front of the van. She looks over and oh my god! It's...Selena Gomez! I absolutely love her! I'm such a big fan of her music.

"Would you like to go shopping with Selena, Jayleigh? She's a really good friend of mine" Justin says to me.

"Sure, that would be great" I reply to Justin and Selena.

"Great, so it's sorted. My concert finishes at 9 and I'll pick you and Selena up at say 9:30? Just text me and let me know where you are, ok?" Justin says.

"Yeah that sounds cool" Selena replies and winks at me. Maybe we could be really good friends?

"So where do guys want us to drop you off?" Scooter asks.

"ASJ Mall, please Scooter" Selena replies.

ASJ Mall! Oh my f***ing god! Everything there is really expensive. I've only got about...wait let me check. I look into my purse and see I've only got $13 and a few cents. How embarrassing! And I'm going to ASJ Mall!

The van stops outside the huge multi-storey building also know as ASJ Mall. It must have about 54+ floors, full of different high-end shops. I could never even afford a bracelet there. Justin jumps out the van then helps me out. He then puts his hand into his back pocket, takes out his wallet and hands me over his gold & sliver plated credit card.

"The pin is 0-4-7-2 baby, have fun" Justin's says.

"Justin, I can't take your credit card. It doesn't feel right" I reply

"Baby, everything here is hell expensive and I'm responsible for you at the moment but mainly, I want you to have a good time and I'm sure you will, Selena will love you." He says.

"B..ut" he cuts me off.

"Jayliegh, I don't want to hear anymore, ok? Now go and have a great time. I want to see a lot of bags and a big smile on your face when I come to pick you up, ok?" He says.

I nod my head and hug him...hard. I retract and see the biggest smile on his face...aww! Selena hops out of the van and says "ready?" - "Yes" I reply.

"Have fun baby girl, Tommy and Steven will be right behind you" and with that said, he climbs back into the van and it speeds away.

Who's Tommy and Steven I wonder?

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