Chapter 10: Shopping

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"Tommy & Steven are our security guards for the day, they'll be following us" Selena says, answering my unspoken question.

"Oh, ok. Where are they?" I ask.

"Right behind you haha" she laughs out loud.

"Oh, oops" I blush.

"So, should we head in?" Selena asks.

"Sure" I reply.

Me and Selena walk into ASJ Mall through two huge glass doors that two doorman very politely open for us. I don't really know why but I feel like someone of such high class because well...I've got Selena Gomez walking beside me and two security guards behind me, plus two very polite doorman have just opened the doors for me.

As soon as I stepped through those glass doors, I was in shock. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. Everything seemed to be made of glass; the doors, the elevators and even the walls. This was officially the biggest mall I had ever seen. Selena looked over at me and giggled. I think she knew it was my first time.

"So, Jayleigh, where should we go first?"

"I don't really know, I've never been here before. What do you recommend?"

"Well...let's go into 'BabyDOLL', we need to get you looking more sexy" - she winked at me.

I giggled and nodded my head then followed her towards the gigantic glass elevator. We got in with Tommy and Steven right behind was honestly really awkward. They weren't even saying anything and were following us like strangers. There weren't many, how do I say this...average class people here (apart from me). Everyone here was either filthy rich or worked here.

The elevator doors open and me and Selena walk out. We locate BabyDOLL and start to make our way in. Once inside, it was pretty easy to tell why Selena wanted to come here. Everything was hell expensive. All the clothes were top of the range but oh my god they looked amazing! I could only dream of having such things. 'But you have Justin's credit card?' My subconscious tells me. I know I have his card but that doesn't mean I'm going to use it. I don't want to use it, it's not mine and it doesn't feel right plus I don't want Selena thinking I'm a gold digger because well...I'm not. I would never ever do that to Justin.

Selena quickly grabs a dress that caught her eye. It was bright red with black crystals near the skirt-line and near the collar. It looked absolutely dashing! "What do you think?" Selena asks me. "It would honestly look amazing on you" I reply.

"It's not for me, silly, it's for you"

"Selena...I...I can't afford that" I felt so embarrassed to say it but it was true. I had no job and Jake kept me locked up for most of my life in his apartment. I was never allowed to leave it. Jake got whatever I needed and that was that. I never really had any of my 'own' money.

"Did you not bring any money with you" Selena said.

"I have very little...nowhere near what the dress costs. Um...Just" I stopped myself before I told her that I had a gold and silver plated card on me (from Justin), if she knew, she'd defiantly ask me to use it.

"What about Justin? Tell me! Did he tell you not to buy anything?"

"No, no! It's nothing like that. In fact, it's the total opposite." Shit I'm about to tell her...why couldn't I keep my mouth shut? "Justin gave me his credit card and told me to buy whatever I wanted and that he wanted to see loads of bags when he came to pick us up."

"Jayleigh, I don't understand the problem. He's given you his card because he wants you to buy things."

"I know it's just that, I don't want you or other people thinking that I'm a gold digger."

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