Chapter 20: Maybe It's Time

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My eyes weren't opening properly but I could hear a lot of machines. Every 4th second I would hear a*BEEP*. What was happening? My eyes start to open very slowly, I'm surrounding by 9 doctors. Why so many? Was the injury really that serious? Suddenly, I feel my body start to lose it again, I feel weak, helpless. Out of nowhere, I feel the sharpest pain in my ribcage.

"Oh god she's loosing blood...again! This is the forth time she's given out so much." I hear a doctor say.

"Quick, use the HRU and block her bleeding, she's loosing way too much blood." I hear another doctor say.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe... I could not get any air into my lungs, I was suffocating! My eyes shoot open and one of the doctors notices. The machine starts to beep faster, I'm guessing it's my heart rate. I was struggling, surviving but for how much longer?

"Doctor, she's losing a lot of blood..." I hear a nurse say.

Was I dying? Was this it? I look around and all I can see are bright lights, lots of sweaty doctors and my final minutes... Dying didn't feel good but it didn't feel bad either. I wanted to get away from everything, from all this stress but mainly Jake.

Was dying such a bad thing?

"Call one of her relatives from outside, now!She needs someone to give her some support if she even has a chance of surviving this." A doctor says.


All of my family, Abi, Christian, my team (including scooter) and even Jayleigh's friend Kelsie were here. We were all waiting in the waiting room, worried. Suddenly, we see a doctor run out from Jayleigh's ward.

"We need someone to help us in the operation. Jayleigh is very sick and we're not sure if she's going to make the operation. We think she might need some support from a family member perhaps?" A doctor says, fairly quickly.

"Me!" I say quickly, without hesitating.

"Great, could you come this way with me, sir?" The doctor says and so I follow him.

I walk in past the doors that were closed for the past 3 hours and see Jayleigh laying there, shaking her head side to side, kicking her legs furiously.

My hearts jumps out of my chest.

I run over to her, she was wearing an oxygen mask. Her eyes were shut, tight. I hold her hand, which had a pulse tracking device on it, and squeeze it, gently. "Baby girl, everything is going to be alright. Everything, trust me." I say and take a deep breath.

"You're an amazing, beautiful and kind person who every guy would be absolutely lucky to have. You have every right to live in this world, we need people like you. You're a blessing to this world, Jayleigh, you're a gift and we need you here... I need you here."

Her eyes open ever so slightly.

"You are going to walk out of here with a huge smile on your face because, baby girl, you're a survivor. You've survived two years with someone who is a total waste of space and, Jayleigh my love, you will survive this, too. Why? Because you're strong as hell! Much stronger than me and anyone I know."

I see a tear roll down her check, I gently wipe it with my thumb.

"I need you to fight from inside, baby girl. You need to give it all you've got and show everyone here how strong you are. You're my girl, my life, I can't live without you, Jayleigh."

She closes her eyes, again...

"Please, Jayleigh. Please, don't leave me..." I say.

Her chest starts to jolt upwards, oh s**t! What was happening?

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