Chapter 27: London

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*This chapter may contain sexual content so be aware.*


The plane touches down, gently and slowly makes its way towards the unloading bay which was far away from all the other public aircrafts seeing as this was a search and rescue plane. We exit from the plane using stairs and are escorted into the airport by a member of staff. Once inside, we both try to locate my parents and eventually find them in a group full of familiar faces. I look closely and realise that they were all aboard the aircraft I was 'flying'.

Suddenly, one of the people in the crowd looks at me and begins to clap causing everyone to look and start cheering...why? I look over at Justin who was also clapping and give him a confused look. "Why are they cheering?" I ask Justin. "You saved them from a possible death, baby. Remember?" He replies whilst laughing. I begin to blush. Within seconds of the crowd dying down, I spot my parents running towards me causing me to run also. I embrace both my mom and dad at the same time in an incredibly big hug before turning to my brother and Kelsie with hugs, too. It felt amazing being with them again especially seeing them safe.

A few people came up to me and thanked me, personally plus I got a free smoothie from one of the airport staff so I was feeling quite happy until the thought of running away with Justin popped into my head, again. I try to dismiss it but it's still there and it's constantly nagging me. I understand that Justin loves me very much and that's the only reason he's doing this but it's making him give up way too much. I love him so dearly, I can't even explain it but going ahead with his plan wouldn't be right plus I don't even think he's thought it through properly.

We all safely exit the airport after scanning out tickets, passports etc. and begin looking for a taxi. Justin calls one of the staff and begins talking to him. After a short while, the same man arrives with what looks like a big van that could comfortably seat all of us including our luggage. "I guess this is goodbye...again" Justin says whilst holding my hand. "You don't have to go yet, do you? I mean it's getting pretty dark, too." I reply, not wanting him to go so soon. "Sweetheart, Jayleigh is right. It's getting pretty dark and you've done so much for us and the family, please come stay with us for a few days?" My mom adds, shocking me. Yes! This means he can come and stay with me for a bit longer. I look at him with a huge grin on my face which he notices straight away. "Thank you, very much. It would be um amazing to spend a few days with you and your family." Justin says to my mom before looking back at me. "Well, what are we all waiting for? Let's climb in." Justin says to everyone.

Within a few minutes, we're all seated in the van which wasn't too big from the inside but it was great for two reasons: 1) Justin got the van and 2) all of us fit, comfortably. My dad told the driver where we were going and the next thing I know, we're on the motor-way.

Me, Justin, Austin and Kelsie where all sitting at the back of the van and in front were my parents and luggage seeing as this van didn't have a boot. I was on the window side and Justin was right next to me. Austin had already fallen to sleep bless him and Kelsie also seemed to be slightly dosing off. I decide to look out of the window at the stars whilst trying to take in everything that has happened during the week; Jake's death, Ellie almost kidnapping Austin, my breakup with Justin, the plane hi-jacking, almost dying...again, Justin's idea of running away - the list is just endless! I really wish my life wasn't so complicated. 'If your life wasn't so complicated, you wouldn't be with Justin right now. Your complications are what got you on that stage and with Justin in the first place.' My inner-self speaks to me, making me realise that she was right and that maybe life would be boring if it wasn't so complicated...

Perhaps taking risks is what life is all about? Perhaps running away with Justin and chasing my dreams is the road I should go down and besides - at the end of the day, we'll both be happy, right? My mind continues to go round in circles as I try to make sense of my thoughts. 'Should I runaway with him, should I not?' The sentence just keeps circulating around in my head. I'm so confused, I don't know what to do.

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