Chapter 16: It's Not Safe

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"She'll be ok. She'll wake up anytime now." I hear a voice say. I'm not sure who it is though.

"Are you sure?" I hear another voice say, this time sounding a lot more familiar.

Everything was black but I felt warm and cosy. I decided it was time to open my eyes and when I did, I was in a hospital room. Justin was sitting on a chair right beside me and instantly grew a smile when he saw me look at him. I didn't feel weak or anything, just a bit out of place. He stood up and came over to me. I then opened my arms, allowing him to give me a small hug.

"Oh, Jayleigh. I'm so glad that you're awake, I was getting so scared."

"Justin, I only fainted. I didn't have a heart attack, silly" I said back with a small laugh.

Just then, a doctor came into the room. He was probably the other voice I hear when I was asleep.

"Oh, nice to see you're awake, Miss Waters. You'll be able to go home shortly, however we need you to fill in a quick form before you leave, is that ok?" The doctor who's name was...let me check...Richard. "That's fine, where's the form?" I ask.

"I'll get it for you, right now." He says and walks out.

"Justin" I say.

"Yeah" he replies, still in a bit of a shock. He needs to relax, I only fainted, I didn't die.

"How's everything back at the house and where's Elsa?" I ask, sounding a but desperate for information.

"I gave Elsa a vacation, I think she deserves it. The police are still investigating the house, especially for any DNA prints that the idiots may have left." He replies after taking a deep breath.

"Are we going to go...back t..there?" I ask, hoping the answer is no. I don't want to be in a house where I've been spied on as well as scared the s**t out of. I can't go back...not until they've got whoever it was.

"No way, baby! The police are still investigating. It's going to take some time. The police said that...that." He couldn't finish the sentence off. I don't think he wanted to upset me any further but I really needed to know. I put my hand on his.

"Tell me" I say whilst rubbing the back of his hand.

"The police said that me and you are in danger. We're being targeted. They don't know for what reason yet but they suggested moving somewhere far for a while until they have an idea of who it could be. Living any where close or even in the same country could cause further problems seeing as these people have been watching us. We still have the option to live in the house but I'm not taking any risks with you. You're too precious to me."

We're being targeted. Holy f**k!

"Justin..." I say, slowly and cautiously.

"Yes?" He replies, not too happy about what I'm going to ask him.

"Do you think it was...Jake?" I say, instantly feeling more scared. Yes, even his name scares me.

"Baby girl, it can't be Jake, he's in jail, remember? Even if it was, I'll be able to take him on, he's a little p***y!" Justin says, confidently.

We both laugh, making me feel a bit better.

The doctor walks back in and says "here's the form, Miss Waters. Police are waiting for you outside to escort both you and Mr Bieber."

"Ok, thank you." I say as I take the form from the doctor. I quickly fill it in with my National Insurance number, address and a few other details and then I was ready to go.

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