Chapter 21: Reunited

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I was starting to feel a little better knowing that Jayleigh was going to be okay. My baby girl was in a deep sleep but I wasn't allowed to go in yet due to security reasons. I sat in the waiting room with Jazzy on my lap, she just wouldn't stop fidgeting...

"Justin, why are we just sitting here?" Jazzy asks me, innocently.

"We're waiting for my princess to get better, Jazzy" I reply. I don't really want to upset Jazzy by telling her the truth plus she's too little. "What does she look like, Justin?" Jazzy asks, more interested. "Well, um...she has beautiful light brown hair, two innocent and adorable blue eyes but best of all she has the smile of an angel" I reply, thinking of Jayleigh. "Justin, your princess needs you, now!" She says almost screaming and pointing behind me making me turn my head...

"JAYLEIGH!!!" I yell at the top of my voice, attracting the attention of many. I could see a weak and helpless Jayleigh laying there in pain and agony yet she had a smile on her face, why? She was covered in blood. I ran as fast as I could over to her and held her in my arms, securely but not too tight. Three doctors came rushing over to me and took Jayleigh from my embrace, I didn't want to let go of her again but I had to. They took her from me and rushed her back down to the previous ward she was in.

What the hell was going on? Millions of thoughts were going through my head on why Jayleigh was laying there. Why was she covered in blood and why did she leave her room? I started to panic. Pattie calmed me down and sat next to me. "Justin, she's going to be fine, trust me." My mom said giving me some assurance but until I saw Jayleigh again I wasn't going to stop worrying. I can't stop worrying.


After an hour of more waiting, finally, a doctor emerges from Jayleigh's ward. He approaches us all, sweating. Please be good news...please.

" is she?" I demand.

"She was under oxygenated and so we had to attach her to a high current oxygenator in order for her to catch her breath back. She also lost some blood from her forehead, we think she may have fallen from her hospital bed but we'll confirm this on the CCTV footage. Once her breathing gets back to normal, she should be fine but a little weak."
The doctor says, fairly quickly.

"Oh thank god, thank you so much doctor" I say in relief as I give the man a quick hug, I was so happy. My baby girl was going to be okay. I make a quick prayer to god to thank him for making her better, for saving her and keeping her in this world...with me.


I know I'm in a deep sleep but I was still wide awake. Is that even possible? I could hear a light noise which I'm guessing was the oxygen machine. I'm still in shock of seeing Ellie, I can't believe she was here. How did she find me? I'm really scared now, knowing that she's out to kill me. I have to tell Justin but I'm way too weak to wake up. I decide to just relax for a while.

After awaking a second time, I was able to open my eyes. Everything was blurry at first but then things got clearer as I blinked a few times. I was still in a hospital room. I look to my right and see Justin's head resting on my hospital bed, he was holding my hand. I squeeze his hand gently, I've missed him like crazy. Within seconds of me squeezing his hand, his head shoots up. He looks at me and has the biggest smile portrayed on his face. Seeing his beautiful smile after so long was all I needed in order to feel better. His smile was my cure and in fact I think it helped so much more than the rubbish drugs the doctors were giving me.

"Jayleigh, you're awake!" Justin sort of (loudly) whispers in excitement. He came over to me and hugged me. My body was still very weak so I felt pain whilst he was hugging me but I didn't care, I needed this! I lift up my white and blue bed sheet and tap the space next to me, signalling for him to come lay down. It was a very small bed but I made space for him, I needed him to be here with me. I've missed him so much it's unbelievable. Without hesitation, he takes off his shoes and socks and gently lays down next to me. I cuddle up into his chest and breathe in that glorious Justin smell. I close my eyes and continue to inhale this gorgeous scent that was my boyfriend. He lightly stroked my hair, straightening it and make his way down to my bum which was exposed from behind due to this hospital gown that I was wearing. He cupped my behind and gently squeezed it, pulling me even closer to him if that was even possible.

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