Chapter 31: Life Or Death

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I close my eyes as I hold onto the sides of the coaster with all my might. My hands were sweating so much that my grip on the coaster just didn't work. I could feel the coaster tilting, ready to plummet down...

A few more centimetres and we will no longer be on the chain lift...

This was it...

The final bit of chain was holding this carriage back...

Suddenly, I hear a *creak* and the roller coaster comes to a halt. I look at the man to see him unscrewing his seat, also. He seemed to be panicking. What the hell? He takes of his harness...

Looks at me...


And jumps off the coaster.

What the freaking hell was he thinking!

I look down and nearly have a panic attack as I see him falling. My heart rate was like a cheetah right now, I was finding it extremely hard to breathe! I begin to hear a rattling of chains and without thinking, I turn my body and look behind to see two men running up the side of the coaster, using chains as support. As I look closely, I realise they're both wearing park badges and so work here... I breathe out the biggest sigh of relief as I begin to cry, again at the thought of what could've happened to me. "Grab onto me" the man says to me. I look at him and then down at the ground for a few seconds before taking a big breath and listening to what he said. I grab onto his arm, super tightly as he secures me with the chain, also. He tells me to take gentle and careful steps as we make our way, slowly to the bottom of the coaster. On the way, Justin sees me from his seat on the coaster. "Babe! What's going on?" Justin asks from the look on my face and the fact that they just stopped the whole coaster at the very top just because of me. I turn my head from Justin and continue to walk down the steps, being very careful.

The two men take me to the ride office where everything is controlled and tell me to take a seat. One of them hands me a cup of cold water which I gladly take and finish within a matter of seconds. I start to relax but only slightly as the scene of the coaster just keeps repeating itself over and over in my head. I look at the coaster and see it being pulled downwards, back towards the starting point. The chain was in reverse position now. The park crew were telling the people already in line that the ride was closed and that it needed maintenance (due to the harnesses etc.)

Some people were annoyed but a lot of them were understanding at what just had happened and so gave me a smile as they walked over to the exit. Once the roller coaster was back in the station, Justin was shouting at the staff to get him out. All the harnesses of the ride were now lifted and Justin ran over to me and wrapped me around with his arms.

This feeling was so much needed.

I start to cry again, wetting the chest area on Justin's shirt as he hugs me tighter. "Don't cry, baby. Please don't cry." He says but I could tell he wanted to cry too. "Can someone explain to me what the fuck has just happened?" Justin demands the staff. "Sir, it seems as if someone had tried to kill Miss..." He stops, asking for my surname. "Waters" I croak, still in Justin's embrace. "Waters over here. It was also a suicidal attempt, we believe as the individual jumped from the coaster as soon as we had stopped it. "Holy fuck! Baby, are you hurt? Did that motherf***er do anything to you?" Justin demands, furious as hell. I look down at my arms where the man had dug his nails into and suddenly start to feel the pain again. "DID HE DO THIS?" Justin shouts. I nod my head. "Where the hell is that f***ker?" Justin looks at the staff. "Sir, he is dead. The ambulance is here to take him away." I know it's very bad of me to think this, but I'm so glad that man is dead. I feel more at ease now. "Lucky for him because if I had killed him, he would be suffering even in his grave the f***ker!" "Babe, should I take you to the hospital?" Justin asks, combing my hair with his hands. "No, Justin. I've had enough with hospitals plus I'm not hurting that much now that you're here. Just take me home?" I say. "Of course my angel but first we need a plaster on these" Justin says, pointing at the cuts on my arms.

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