Chapter 1: Jake

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Justin's Beliebers


"Ow! Ow! Please s..stop. Jake you're hurting me!" Tears are running down my cheeks while he whips me with his belt! "What's wrong Jayleigh? Can't take a bit of pain?". The amount of hate I have for this man that is my 'Boyfriend' is unbelievable!

Why am I dating him then, you might ask? Well... One day I was changing in my room about to go to bed and didn't realise that the 22 year old was also in the room (we weren't going out at the time). He was just standing there, holding a camera in his right hand. He'd been taking pictures of me while I was changing! When I saw the pictures, they were really embarrassing.

He threatened me and told me that if I don't want those pictures to be leaked out that I'd have to do what he says and go out with him. I didn't know what else to do, I didn't want anyone to see those pictures and ever since then, I let him hurt me because well...I have no choice.

My parents think that he is a good person and treats me right yet it's the total opposite. They don't even know half of the things he does to me. If they did, they'd go mental. But that's the thing...I can't tell them. He would kill me if I tell them because he wants them to think that he's perfect and that he treats me right.

My best friend in the whole wide world who's name is Kelsie, knows that he harms me. But she's not allowed to tell anyone because I've told her not to. If she did then he'd harm her and I just can't let that happen, I just can't. She's very strong and confident but Jake is capable of a lot, believe me when I say that! I've seen him murder someone with my own eyes. It was horrific.


Maybe I was a little too harsh on her. She didn't even do anything this time. I mean I love hurting her, I just love it but sometimes I feel as if I go a bit too far? Now...let me TRY and make it up to her and if she's not satisfied then f*** her, I don't give a s***!

What should I do to make it up to her? She likes horses so I could take her horse riding? But it's snowing so that wouldn't work. She also likes that guy singer...what's his name again? Oh yeah, Justin Bieber. Apparently he's performing nearby. I HATE Justin f***** Bieber, he's so gay, stupid and worthless. I don't know what girls see in him, anyway? But if it makes her a little happy then what's the harm in getting them?

I'll book the tickets now and give them to her tomorrow. She better appreciate it or she'll be seeing my belt...again.


I think he's had enough with hitting me for today. I hope he has because I don't think my body can take anymore. I didn't even do anything this time! Ugh! I hate him so much. I wish I could just kill myself.

At least he's given me a room all to myself to sleep in when he doesn't need me for sex and thankfully he hasn't asked me yet so I'll just make my way to bed. Maybe I should put some cream on my bruises before I go bed?

After applying cream, brushing my teeth, wearing my pj's and putting my hair in a bun, I'm finally ready for bed. It's been such a long day and I'm shattered.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day - like that's even possible! I've never had a "better" day with Jake...never! Even imagining it is hard. All I can do is hope for some good. Maybe, just maybe there's someone out there who really loves me...for me and not my body.

I close my eyes, pull the blanket up close and slowly drift into a sleep...

The Consequences of loving Justin BieberTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang