Chapter 11: Impressions

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I couldn't wait to see Jayleigh! I hadn't seen her for most of the day and was now missing her like crazy. How does she do this to me? We're not even going out, yet she has this strange (but amazing) effect on me. I turn the car right, towards ASJ Mall and drive towards the car park.

I see her standing there with...only 3 bags! I told her I wanted to see a lot... I don't want her to feel like I have pity on her because that's not the reason. It used to be, when I first saw her but now it's much more than that. her and that's why I want to give her everything. I'm really disappointed that she didn't buy many things but oh well, it means that me and her are going to have to go shopping...perhaps next week? I hope she stays with me till then.

I really do hope she likes what I have planned for her tonight...


A black car with gold rims and a white front, drives up to us. I was so happy! I couldn't wait to see Justin's face. Even though we're not going out, I still really missed's been so long since I've seen him and after thinking of waking up with him this morning, I started to miss him even more. I love how he just came over to sleep with me and oh...there's also the undressing bit.

I blush.

Tommy and Steven both say goodbye to me and Selena which was probably the first thing they said all day. They then walked away.

Selena opens the backseat door for me and I climb in, Selena follows behind me. I look over at Justin who's wearing an open neck blue sweater and a pair of white jeans. He looked hot and really suited to the weather outside because it was quite chilly now.

He looked over at me, then Selena. "Had a good time?" He finally spoke.
I was about to answer but Selena beat me to it.

"Yes we had an amazing time! We got Jayleigh this new dress, matching shoes and a few other things" she said then looked over at me and winked.

She was obviously referring to the 'bedroom clothes' (underwear).

"That's good to hear, I'm glad you guys had fun. Today was a busy day for me." Justin said as he started to drive onto the motor way. "We are totally going to do this again right Jayleigh?" Selena asked. "Of course we will" I said, hesitating a bit. The truth was that I don't know when I'm going to see Selena again. Will I ever see her again? After Scooter talks to my parents and arranges a new house, I'm going to be living with my parents, I'm never going to see Selena again or...Justin. I feel a tear about to roll down my check. I try to stop it but I couldn't help it. It fell out of my eye and was on it's way down my cheek.

Selena looked over at me.

"Jayleigh, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Selena said, worried.

Justin also looked over.

"Justin, turn around, you're driving!" Selena requested. Justin turned his head back around but was now looking in the mirror, towards me. He looked really worried...bless him.

"What's wrong, Jayleigh, please tell me" Selena whispered in my ear.

"It's nothing, Selena, honestly" I replied.

"Jayliegh, there's obviously something wrong and you can't hide things from me, I'm your friend" Selena whispered a little louder this time.

"It's just I'm not sure if I'm ever going to see you or Justin ever again. Scooter is arranging a new place for me to live in with my parents once he's found them and once it's sorted...being friends is going to be really hard." I said, feeling more tears coming down.

"Oh, baby, we will always be friends and that's a promise ok and I will always come to visit you as will Justin. You know he likes you so why would he not go to see you? I hope Scooter does find your parents by the way."

"He l..likes me?"

"Sure he does! The signs are all there, Jayleigh, you just can't see them. He's crazy about you but he's not man enough to show it."

We both giggle. Justin...loves me?

"Um, Selena, where am I dropping you off?" Justin says with a croaky voice. He's upset. What about? Me...?

"Could you just drop me off outside St. Mary's? I'm meeting Niall there. Thanks Justin."


We dropped Selena off and were now outside Justin's house. It was...huge! I'd never seen a house like this...even on TV! I was amazed and was staring at it for about 5 minutes until I heard Justin's voice from the front of the car.

"Jayleigh, I want to take you out tonight but I need to see Scooter about something. Could I leave you for a short while to get ready and I'll pick you up in about 15 minutes?"

"Yeah, sure" I replied.

What did Justin want to see Scooter about?

Justin got out of the car and came over to my side. He helped me out and we went into his house...I mean mansion. The inside was just mind-blowing. He had a huge staircase right in the middle of the house going round in spirals to the next floor, a gigantic family picture which he looked so adorable in because he was only about 14 in the picture.

Saying his house was big was an understatement.

He held my hand and led me towards an...elevator! Oh s**t!

We stepped in and he pressed a button on the keypad. The elevator then started moving. He looked over at me and those tingly sensations inside my belly were back. Unfortunately, he didn't kiss me. We stepped out when the doors opened and he led me towards a room. When he opened the door, the room was full of different clothes, hair-straighteners, curlers, make-up and well...everything a girl could want.

"I thought you would like this room leave" he said with an upset face. It's got everything you need...I hope but if you need or want anything else just let Elsa know - she's the maid here".

The room was amazing but I'm guessing he wasn't going to be sleeping with me again. I felt a small pain in my stomach. I liked it when he slept with me.

"Thank you, Justin"

"I'll only be 15 minutes, Jayleigh. Be ready" he said then rushed off towards the stairs. Within seconds he reached the front door and was gone.

I inspected a few of the things in the room which all seemed to be top of the range and hell surprise.

I got out my dress, shoes and was time to make an impression.

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