Chapter 22: Let's Go Home

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*This chapter may contain sexual content so be aware.*


Kelsie! Oh my god... How did she get here? She runs over to me screaming in a girly best-friend way and hugs me, hard. I couldn't breathe for about 5 seconds because she was hugging me too hard but I didn't mind. I missed her, a lot! "Justin sent me a plane ticket and told me to come as soon as possible." She said, panting. "Thank you so much, I've missed you, Kelsie!" I say, still hugging her. "We need to have a massive catchup, okay?" Kelsie says, smiling. "Of course, we will" I reply. I was so glad to have her here with me, she's practically my sister, she's been with me through so much...

"Okay, we need to let Jayleigh get ready now, it's getting really late" Justin says, smiling. "Yes, Justin's right, we need to let Jayleigh get ready" my mom says before walking out with everyone else. Justin locks the door, then makes his way over to the side of my bed where a pink carrier bag was placed. He put his hand in and removes a beautiful light blue summer dress...perfect for any occasion. It had pink sequins over the waist area, it was really beautiful. "I picked it myself so I want to put it on you myself, okay?" Justin said. At first I hesitated but then I replied "okay".

He unbuttoned my hospital gown and peeled it off my body revealing my naked figure, embarrassment flooded over me. He's already undressed me and seen me naked, why am I getting embarrassed? I cover my parts with my hands but he grabs my hands before I can get to them. "You are the most beautiful girl in the world, Jayleigh. You have no reason to feel embarrassed, especially from me" and with that said he releases my hands. He then cups my vulnerable breasts in his firm, strong grip. His hands on my breasts was the perfect combination as if it was meant to be. He began to gently massage them, the sensation was mind blowing. Suddenly, he stops...why?

"I'm s..sorry, I forgot, Jayleigh. I couldn't help.." He was about to finish but I cut him off by putting my index finger on his lips. His eyes were now locked on mine. I gently grab both of his hands and bring them back up to my breasts. He blinks and looks down at my actions then looks back up at me, his eyes asking for assurance which I willingly give him. He then continues his previous massage and climbs onto the hospital bed, on top of me. Whilst still rubbing my breasts, he starts to kiss me, passionately. It felt amazing, tingles were being sent down my body, pass my stomach and into...that area. Oh, I haven't felt like this, not ever. It was never like this with Jake.

A knock on the door interrupts us. "Are you guys nearly ready?" I hear Kelsie's voice from the other side of the door. "Nearly!" Justin replies and with that said, she walks away. Justin climbs off the bed and puts his hand back in the pink carrier bag, this time taking out a pair of purple underwear. Purple was my favourite colour and his, too. You've got to know these things when you're a belieber I think to myself, smiling. "Why are you smiling, baby?" Justin asks, curiously. "Many reasons but the main one being you" I reply. "You are adorable, Jayleigh, you know that?" He says as I blush.

He then opens up the purple bra and puts my chin on his shoulder so I was looking at his back-side. It was almost as if we were hugging. He comfortably clips on the bra and then retrieves the purple knickers. He leans down and leaves plenty of kisses on my feet before sliding the underwear up my legs and finally covering my privates. I felt a little more confident now because I was slightly covered. Finally he grabs the dress and very carefully slides it down my body from my head.

It fit perfectly.

"Oh, I almost forgot, you need to put something on your feet" he said, giggling, slightly. He pulls out a pair of black flats from the pink carrier bag, how considerate and appropriate. He was so thoughtful, flats are probably the only thing I would feel comfortable in right now and here they are. Again, after leaving plenty of kisses on my feet, he slips on the flats. They, too, fit perfectly.

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