Chapter 18: Help Me

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Ellie told me, Justin went to (one of the friends we met last night) Christian's house, to sleep. He was probably too drunk to know where to go. He should've at least told me though, I was really missing him and to say the truth, I was still very worried...

I've been awake for a while now with Ellie. She gave me some paracetamol and water when I woke up due to the fact I has a headache from the hangover. She didn't have to but for some reason she was being really nice.

"Stop worrying about Justin, he's fine. I know he is." Ellie said.

"I just want to know that he's ok." I reply. I have a right to be worried, he's my boyfriend.

"He's fine, trust me. You know what you need?" She asks.

"A day out!" She says, answering her own question. "What, to where?" I ask a little unsure.

"We can go do some shopping or maybe watch a movie. When you come back, Justin would be home, too, and you can tell him all about your day." She says, enthusiastically.

"I'm not sure, Ellie, I'd rather just stay at home and wait for Justin."

"Will you forget about Justin for f**k sake!" She shouts, startling me! What the hell got into her? "It's not a request, Jayliegh" She says and within seconds her facial expression changes, completely. Holy s**t.

I get up from my seat and dart towards the bathroom as Ellie chases me. I quickly shut the door and lock it. She starts to bang on the door furiously, scaring me even further. Where the f**k was Taylor? Oh yes, Ellie sent him out to get milk... Did she do that on purpose so she could be alone with me?

She stops banging. I hear her talking to someone...but who? Was there someone else in the bungalow, too? "She's locked herself in the f**king bathroom!" I hear Ellie shout. "Okay." She says then walks away. My heart starts to beat faster.

There's silence for a while...

I'm sitting on the floor, leaning against the bathtub, there's no escape from here. I see the door lock start to turn, slowly. Holy s**t!
The door opens and she's standing there with a knife. She must've opened the door with it. She walks over to me then grabs me by the hair. I punch her in the stomach and try to make an escape but she grabs my arm and turns me around. She then kicks me...there. I fall to the floor before she kicks me, again, in the ribcage this time.

She walks away and within seconds, she's back holding tape and some rope. She puts the tape around my mouth, stopping me from speaking and breathing. I had to use by nose to breathe. She then tied the rope around me, hard. I couldn't move. She dragged me across the floor then lifted me up and threw me into the boot of a black BMW. I'm a very skinny person, malnourished in fact because I never really ate much. This is probably what made it easy for her to lift me.

Everything was dark in here, the space was compact and I couldn't breathe. The worst thing about this was...I was claustrophobic! I squirmed and kicked until I was sweating even more, until my bones were aching. I could not get out of here.

Justin, please help me...


I had a mile left before I reached the bungalow. Suddenly, I remember that Taylor was with Jayleigh. I call him.

"Hello, Taylor?" I say through the phone.

"Hello, Mr Bieber, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Taylor, where is Jayleigh?" I ask through the phone, panicking, still.

"Miss Waters is at home, sir" he replies.

"So, where the f**k are you, why are you not with her?" I shout through the phone.

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