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Shawn Peter Raul Mendes.
Your album 'Handwritten' is possibly the best thing I've ever heard. It calms me down, it makes me happy, and it makes me wanna scream my head off because I'm so proud of you. Without you, I'd probably be a person who has no one as a role model. You ARE my role model Shawn. I love singing and one day I want to be as good if a singer as you. I love you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. And I never will stop loving you. Now let me do that thing where you take the titles and make it something cool ()

Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, you my boy, are definitely Something Big. You can light up a room with your smile. Dang, I don't care if there are any Strings attached, I just want you. Sometimes I let my Crazy Imagination run wild and I end up imagining the Aftertaste of your lips (you a good kisser? *tongue click* Or nah?). I went from a girl saying on One of Those Nights,"I Don't Even Know Your Name." To saying,"I'm a Kid In Love with Shawn Mendes." I think I've fallen so hard for you I may need stitches. You and your songs make me breathless that I sometimes I need to gasp for Air. The weight on my shoulders is me stressing about you but it's a weight I'm willing to carry every single day, just for you. Even when I feel like life is A Little Too Much for me, you're always there. Making sure I'll Never Be Alone. When my joy is taken away from the world, you Bring It Back. You brig back my joy with just even a small little i love you. You may not know it, but im always there cheering you on. I know you'll never notice, but it's worth a try. And if This is What It Takes, constantly spamming you, then that's what I'll do. Let me Show You how much I love you. You're an awesome guy Shawn. Okay? Don't let anyone tell you any different. You've been the Life Of the Party and you always will be.

Love you,
Your fan Kristen

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