Chapter 15

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Jack's POV-

"Who's Rafael and why are you talking about me?" She asked

"Wait. What's happening?"

"No Jack." She shoved my phone in my face. "You tell me what's happening."

She found out. CRAP! She found out.

"R-Rafael is one of my friends. B-But w-we weren't talking about you."

"Oh really? Then who is the girl that "took in all my flaws, all my pain, she took me for who I am. Even with all the hate she gets from my fans, she still loves me, she still cares for us."? Is there someone else?"


"Jack! Oh my freaking god! Stop lying to me! There's obviously someone else. Don't even give me that crap that you "still love me" or something. I'm done with you."

"He wants to meet you." I said quietly


"He wants to meet you." I said, a little bit louder this time.

"Well tell him I don't want to see him, meet him, or hear from him."

I looked down at my lap.

And everybody wonders why I used to be an asshole. My life is so screwed up I don't want to even try to keep living it. My world was blurry, and covered by rains and fog everywhere. But when Madison came along, she wasn't some ordinary fan, she was really something special. Hell, I spilled my whole life to her after just meeting her a few hours before. I told her about my bullying and about me bullying other people. Why does everything happen to me? Out of all the people, I'm always losing the love.

"Jack stop."

"Stop what?"

"You're making me feel guilty."


"Did you just not hear your rant?"

"No. Yes."

"Ok Jack, you tell me about this Rafael guy when you want to. But for right now, leave please, I need time. Okay?"

"Ok." I walked toward the door. "I-I love you."

"I need to trust you before I can say that to you again." I left the room.

I know she said she needs time, but I have a feeling this amount of time, will not be in a few weeks. It might be a few months.

A/N: if you think this book is coming to an end, fear not. I'm not gonna leave you guys that early ;)
Also, I'm gonna try to update more since I'm on summer break :)



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