Chapter 22

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7/26, 2 more days until the show at Los Angeles.

Jack's POV-

We were currently in Fort Lauderale doing the Meet & Greet. 

I was trying to do my best to stay away from Jack ever since what happened back home, but no. All these annoying  fans wanted pictures with the both of us.

"Hey G, come take a picture with her!" Johnson yelled from across the room.

"Why do I have to listen to you?"

"Calm down man, she just wants a picture with you." I walked over there and took the picture. Right when I was about to leave, I felt a squishy substance smacked onto my face

"SMACK CAM!" Johnson yelled

"Oh that's it." I took some of the shampoo from my face and chased Johnson with it.

"Take that bitch!" I said, smacking him with it and laughing. After that, I jumped on him.

"We good bro?" He asked

"We good." I pulled him up.

The rest of the day was great. We met some more fans, performed, and of course, kissed two of them at the end of the performance.

But there were still no sparks.

"Hey man, you're phone is ringing!" I told Johnson

"Who is it?"

I picked up his phone,"It says-"-I looked at the caller ID-"Baby with 2 heart emojis?! Since when do you have a girlfriend??" I answered the phone call.


"Babe! So about later on, does 9 work?"

"Uh yeah!" I said, trying to make my voice sound like Johnson's.

"Babe? Are you okay? You sound...weird."

"Uh yeah, I'm fine. Just clearing my throat."

"Well okay? I'll see you later!" She hung up.

"You little bitch." Johnson said from behind me, laughing.

"So, tell me about this mysterious girlfriend that you did not tell me about."

Madison's POV-

Two! Two more days until they come! I am not ready! I don't have what make up I'm wearing ready, I don't have what I'm going to wear ready! Fudgeeeee!

It's almost like the first time I went to their show. You know, except this time I'm going by myself, I'm going as Jack G's ex-girlfriend, and I was actually active enough to make a poster. 

I decided I would wear a blue shirt dress with brown combat boots and belt. 

I would also wear a little makeup, the kind of makeup that looks natural. (It really doesn't look natural though.

I'm gonna kill myself if this whole plan doesn't work out. 

I'm still wondering what would happen if Jack actually does forgive me...Are we gonna get back together?

Two more days.

Two more days until I find out.

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