Chapter 20

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Jack's POV-

No sparks.

Every damn time. There were no sparks.

We just finished our last show in the UK and I gotta say, this was a great experience! I can't wait to go back again.

But every time we kissed the girls, I was hoping there's be another girl I would find sparks with. Another girl Madison.

Normally, I'm always so happy to go home, but this time, I don't want to.

I still have to deal, with Rafael and her...

I don't know if I could ever go back and say sorry to her without dealing with Rafael. But I've been gone for so long, Rafael would probably beat me up before I had the chance to say sorry to her.

Right now, we're on a plane going home. I wanted to listen to music later to save battery, so for now, I looked through my pictures.

There were so many with Johnson, at every stop of the tour. We made a vow to always take a picture at the most memorable part of the city. Most of them were in front of a place that had graffiti on it.

But then I came across a picture of Madison and I. The picture I posted telling the fans that the can't decide who I can and can't date. I went to my notes to read what I said.

Seeing more & more of my supporters accept the fact that I am with this girl is an unexplainable feeling. I was always afraid of the reaction we might get from being together, but I've realized that I can't let other people make decisions for me. She makes me so happy & is the most supportive girlfriend a guy could ask for. I am beyond lucky to have her in my life. I hope all of my supporters can learn to accept it & understand why I am with her, because she isn't going anywhere & all I really want is for everyone to be happy. (Yes, I'm wearing a straw hat & overalls.. Don't ask.)

Why did I give up on her? She was my everything. She really was supportive, and she did make me so happy. I was beyond lucky to have her. Whenever I needed her, she was there. Whenever I felt like I was gonna go back to old habits, she was there to stop me and calm me down.

I can't deal with this anymore, I need to distract myself.

I put in my headphones and put Planes by Jeremih ft.J Cole

Sometimes, I need an escape from here. And I'm not talking about music.

Madison's POV-

So my plan is, when I get in line to meet Jack, I'm gonna have this poster that says 'I kinda ship us' and it'll have all our pictures in it. Including the little note I wrote for him.

You are a blessing to not only me, but every person who knows you / gets to say they've met you. You make me happier every day and right when I think you can't make any more happy, you do. ( but that's because you're a wizard of some sort. ) You were not only my boyfriend, you were my best friend. You take up so much room in my heart & I will always be by your side. Love wins

(Yes, Madison actually said that, I just re-worded it to make it fit with the story. They're so cute

Everything I wrote was true. He is lucky, everyone who's know about him, met him, and knows him personally is lucky to have him be apart of their lives. I was lucky too, but I ruined it by not trying to get him back.

I need to realize that reality is like fairy-tales. I need to know that sometimes, you have to be the prince. You need to get them back. This was something I realized too late.

But in the situation we were in, we were kind of both at fault.

He was texting someone, this Rafael guy, about me. Of course I would be suspicious, wouldn't you? But I was at fault by pushing him, making him more mad than he's ever been, and also by telling him I needed space and leaving him for a whole month.

While we were dating, we could barely go a few days without talking to each other. Looking at it now, how did I survive it? Honestly, I don't think I did. I laid in bed, looking through old pictures of us. He blocked me on everything and I'm also pretty sure he deleted my number.

But while I was laying down, doing nothing, I often day-dreamed about what I would be doing if I was still with Jack. Probably the same thing I thought to myself. You'd just be doing it with him.

I still day-dream about him.

I still see his smile in my head.

I still remember my moments in the 'Jack and Jack sandwich' Those two are literally the best huggers. They basically squeeze the life out of you. But it's not too tight to where you can't breathe. Just enough to the point where you realize you're most comfortable in their arms.

(A/N: Never been hugged by them. i cri)

I still remember the moments, where, we just laid down, him spooning me, and just watching Netflix.

I still remember him.


Oh and there may or may not be a update later ;)

And sorry about weird spacing for people reading on their phones, I was writing this on my computer

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