Chapter 16

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Jack's POV-


A little time is all she said.

Its been 1 month.

How much more time does she need?

I looked through my photo album that I created for me and Madison' pictures together.

There were some where I was kissing her cheek, some where she was kissing mine, and others where we were just hugging.

(A/N: all those pictures are from @madisonbeerupdates__ on instagram)

She really makes me happy. This past month has been living hell for me.

I've even started going back to old habits.

Drinking, smoking, sleeping in late, and sleeping around with girls.


"F*ck! I can't deal with this anymore!"
I screamed, throwing my beer glass on the floor.

The bottle was broken into thousands of pieces.

Broken into thousands of pieces just like my heart was.

There is this quote "If your heart is in a million pieces, which piece do you follow?" Or some shit like that.

My answer, oh I wouldn't know, because all the f*cking pieces were taken by the one f*cking person I cared about.

"Jack calm down. Stop throwing glass, stop drinking, just stop and sit down." JJ said to me. Maggie was here as well, though I'm pretty sure she'd rather be somewhere else.

"You know, this wouldn't have happened unless you told her the truth about Rafael." Maggie muttered under her breath. Yeah, she found out everything about Rafael, everything except the plan about Mad.

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