Chapter 23

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Madison's POV-

Today. Today I finally see him again.

Crap! What am I gonna say? "Oh hey Jack, it's your ex-girlfriend and I want you back." Totally normal.

But at least I get to be the prince this time. :)

I've always hated the feeling that someone always has to save me. Like, or once, let whatever is gonna happen, happen to me. I'll save myself. (Near-death experiences do not count, if that ever happens, please save me.)

But the fact that I get to see him again, hear his voice again, makes me explode with happiness.

But I can tell you for a fact that he doesn't feel the same way. 

I bet he regrets meeting me, telling me about his past, ever taking me out on that perfect date.

That date, oh my gosh, it was perfect. I would do anything to go back to that moment.

I regret every moment I was mad at him, ignored him, ditched him. Because I never realized how short our time together was.

This, this tour, this is my only chance to try to make our time longer.

If it doesn't work out, I'm done trying.

I showered and put on my clothes and make-up. I grabbed my poster then I went outside to my car and started driving to the venue.

I walked inside, almost thinking I should turn back

This is a bad idea.

You're going to get rejected!

Oh my lord I'm actually going through this.

But through all the thoughts, I managed to keep going.

Here goes nothing...

Jack's POV-

So for some reason, Johnson decided that we should switch up the schedule so that the Meet and Greet was after we performed. Which is a very bad idea since my eyebrows won't be on fleek and I'll be all sweaty.

But whatever, I owe him for slapping him.

And he also decided that he would have the security guards choose the girls we would bring up.

I swear, he's up to something and I'll be the one suffering it.

Once we got the word out to the fans, we got ready to go on stage.

We did the same thing and almost the whole time, I felt like I was looking for something.

But I found noting so I assumed I was just distracted.

Then came the time for the last part of the show and the security guards chose the girls.

And once I saw who came up, my heart skipped a beat, then started racing.

My palms became clammy, I started feeling dizzy, and my stomach had butterflies when I saw who came up.

There she was, standing and looking beautiful without trying. 

The love of my life.

The girl who I've been in love ever since I first laid eyes on her.

Madison Elle Beer.

A/N: I can't stop smiling :)) tomorrow's update will show what happens so be ready. 😈😈

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