Chapter 33

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Madison's POV-

I woke up with a huge headache.

"Where am I?" I asked myself.

Then all the memories came rushing back.

Jack confessing what he felt about me.

Jack saying he wouldn't be there to help raise our baby.

Jack making me black out.

It's always Jack isn't it?

"Hello Sleeping Beauty." A voice said.

"Who are you? Why am I here? Where am I?"

"You are here because-" He scoffs, "Your boyfriend isn't a good boyfriend. You are in a room. And you don't remember me?"

I tried to remember him, then all of a sudden it came back to me. "Y-You're Raf-fael. What are you going to do with me? And what do you mean that Jack isn't a good boyfriend?!"

"Jack is the one who gave you to me, sweetie. Next time, if someone is bad from the start, they are always going to be that bitch they are. Like Jack for instance, you really think he loved you? Hell, he agreed right away when I asked him to bring you to me. Jack. Does. Not. Love. You. You're such a foolish girl to even think he loved you even a little bit. "

"Y-You're lying."

"I'm sorry to tell you this...Who am I kidding, no I'm not. Jack doesn't love you. In fact, he is disgusted by the fact that he had to kiss you a million times. Oh, and all those sappy things he said, yeah, he's talking about another girl. Told me her name was Emily or something?"


"N-No, Ja-" I couldn't even bring myself to say his name. "He told me he was done with her."

"Well he told you a lie. Here, let me show you this picture of them." He pulled out his phone and showed me the picture.

Quickly, I grabbed the phone and went to the phone app and called 911.

"911, what is-"

"GIVE THAT BACK." Rafael yelled.

"Help! Help me please!" Rafael grabbed my hair and I screamed in pain. He kicked my back, then hit me in the head.

Then again, everything went black.

Jack's POV-

I need to see Madison today.

I drove over to the same place I dropped her off but found that all the lights were off and it was quiet.

I knocked but no one answered. I tried opening it and it was unlocked.

I looked around and soon became worried.

I saw a note on the floor.

Jack, she's gone.

No. NO! She can't be gone! W-What am I going to do??



"Where did yo bring her?" I asked with a worried/angry tone.

"Nowhere special. Oh, by the way, I told her you didn't love her. And guess what? She believed me! But she tried pulling a stunt which is why we relocated!" He hung up.

He told her I didn't love her?

She's got to be smarter to know that every word I said to her was true! Right?

I hope.

A/N: this was already done so, I figured might as well publish it

It hasn't died down that much only a little.

They keep saying their done with our foolish asses (there were 4/5, one person was confusing and went from hater to supporter, against 2/3. 4/5 being carter supporters.) Yet they kept coming back to the conversation.

I'm not gonna be gone for two weeks I'm coming back soon guys

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